Chapter 3

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After Bonnie left Bekah and I went down stairs. Klaus, Kol, and Finn were in the living room. I sat next to Kol, he put his arm around me, Klaus looks at Bekah and I we were smiling. "Why are you two so happy?" Klaus asked "Elijah asked Bonnie on a date and they look so cute together." I said "He finally asked her, how did you get him too?" he asked I said "Well I asked her if she liked him, which she did. Then asked Eli if he liked her, then told him too ask her and that is how my dear Klaus." We sat in silence, well Klaus drew. I started to get hungry so I got up and went to the kitchen, grabbed some blood. As I was drinking someone's arms wrapped around me. I look up it was kol, so I finished my drink. Some blood started to run down my face and Kol licked it away." Do you want to go to the grill with me darling?" Kol asked I nodded. We left and made our way to the grill. As we got there and went in, Elena and her blonde friend were there. They glared at us, while I rolled my eyes. We found a table and a waiter made his way to us "Hello I'm Matt what can I get for you?" Matt asked "I would like some fry's and a coke please." I said he looked at Kol "I would like a whiskey." he said Matt nodded and left "How was your day darling?" Kol asked "It was pretty good." I said he nodded Matt had brought my food and both our drinks. Kol started stealing some of my fry's, I playfully smacked his hand "Oww that hurt's darling." he said dramatically I laughed "You'll get over it love."  I said he smiled at me and just stared 'What do I have something on my face?" I asked he said "No love, I just love looking at you." I smiled and finished my fry's. After we were done we left, we walked through the town. Kol turned and looked at me "Lexi will you be my girlfriend?" he asked hopefully "No." his face fell "I'm just joking I would love to." I said "Oh that was mean darling." he said as we laughed. We found a bench to sit on, we sat in silence for a few minutes. It was interrupted by Elena. "What did you do to Bonnie." she yelled "We didn't do anything, she made her own disunion. so don't blame us doppelganger." I hissed she pulled out a stake. She went to stake me, Kol grabbed her hand and twisted it. As Kol let go of her hand a stake went through my heart. My eyes widened and I fell.

                                                                                              Kol P.O.V.

As I let go of Elena's hand a stake went through Alex's heart. As she was falling I grabbed her, I looked up to see Damon smirking. "You are a dead man Mr. Salvatore." I growled after I said that I picked up Lex. I ran home as I got home Klaus looked at me. "What happened?" he asked "Damon put a stake through her hear, and I told him he's a dead man." I said I took her to my room and laid her down. After I put Lex in my room, I went down stairs to talk with Klaus. "What are you going to do Kol?" he asked "I'm going to torture him." I said "Who are we torturing brother?" Bekah asked "Damon, he put a stake through Lex heart today." I said she looked angry "Can I help you?" she asked I nodded. We got up and went to fine Damon. As we were looking for him we spotted Elena "Why don't we use her to get him." Bekah said "Great idea sister." I said we walked up to Elena and grabbed her, and brought her back home. We tied  her up "What are you doing?" Bonnie asked "We are getting revenge on Damon, for staking Lexi." Bekah said she nodded and walked away with Elijah, Elena looked hurt. "That's what you get for always hurting your friends." I said Bekah was calling Damon and he came, let the torturing begin.

                                                                                           Alex P.O.V.

I woke up in Kol's room, got up and went down stairs. "Hey Bon do you know were Kol is?" I asked "He's in the basement with Klaus, Bekah, Damon, and Elena." she said "Ok thanks." I said I walked down stairs to see them, Elena looks up. "I thought Damon killed you." she said I laughed and said "Hun I'm an original, can't kill me that easy." I walked up to Kol and kissed his cheek. I watched as they tortured him. "Ok I think that's enough for today Kol." I said he nodded and backed off him. We all went up stairs Bonnie and Elijah were cuddling on the couch it was so cute to see.

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