Of Course

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Fate is stupid. Soulmates are stupid. And having a clock inside your wrist that constantly counted down to the exact moment you meet your soulmate is especially stupid. But, here us humans were waking up everyday waiting for the inked numbers on our wrists to finally stop ticking so we could run into the poor loser that was stuck with us for the rest of our lives.

Convenient? Nah. More like stressful beyond compare.

"Oh my god I have a huge exam this weekend."

"Oh my god I'm meeting my soulmate this weekend and what do i do what do I say what if we hate each other what if it's....."


Im still in bed, contemplating this when I am supposed to be getting up and trying to freshen up because in 3 hours, I meet the so called love of my life.

I refuse to feel nervous. I promised myself that years ago upon developing my first crush. Everywhere I am, I see a young boy and girl run into each other, surprise and awe alight on their faces. Some give tentative hugs, others go right to the kiss. But I never, never see two boys bump into each other, or two girls for the fact. All of them wandered off to where they thought they'd never be seen, ignoring the inky numbers on their wrists. And as fate has it, another person happened to think of the same place and they see each other. Alone. Alone together. Away from public eyes because apparently, their soulmate is wrong.

The public didn't want to see me and my soulmate, because wherever they were, they were a guy. And so was I.

Not only was fate and having a soulmate stupid, but mostly people were too.

"Nico! Nico get up!" I heard the heavily accented voice of my mother, Reyna. No, not my real mother. She died. Reyna adopted me and my sister years ago, but I'm lucky to have her. She's strong, she's kind, shes young, she's accepting, she's everything I could've ever wanted in a mom.


Under normal circumstances, I would be pleased to wake up to Reyna's cooking. But today was not under normal circumstances.

I groan and kick off my covers before flopping onto the cold wood floor. "Just... Five more minutes. Please." I didn't open my eyes.


"Fine, fine." I pushed myself off the floor and sat back onto my bed, grumbling. Messy blue duvet puffed around me as I flopped heavily onto it. The white pillows were strewn around the room from my kicking fits and I honestly didn't feel like picking them up. Reyna would rip my arms off and beat me with them if I wasn't clean enough though. My ocean bedding does not like to be restrained.

I checked the alarm clock on the bed stand beside me. 11:30 AM. I checked my wrist, cringing so hard my jaw began to hurt.





I felt my heart rate go up. Stop stop stop he's just a person. Just a person. God, I hope he isn't one of those preppy boys.

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