Chapter Twelve

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Niall's P.O.V

Ryder and I had to hold back Harry as he was still trying to get to Louis. I can’t tell him to stop because if it was Liam instead of Louis I would act the same way. “Please! Let me go with you! I am his boyfriend please! Please…”

            “Harry, calm down and tell me what you saw.” I stated calmly with him in my arms crying. Sobs were wracking his body and he couldn’t control it.

            After a while, he calmed down and looked at me with tears glisten his cheeks. “I-I came running down here when…they told me that Lou-Louis was shaking really badly. When I saw him, he-he had bruises all over his body that weren’t there…there before and he has an h-huge gash on his side and he told me that his head was hit to the wall. He was having a…a panic attack and with the injuries…what if he doesn’t make it?! I finally find someone and then they go away from me after two months time! Just this time, they can’t help it.”

            My heart broke. I bet you it was Jason and some other people doing this. They were doing this to get back at Louis for hurting Jason. Well Jason deserved it! “I am guessing Jason did this…” He nodded and my heart broke even more. Can’t they catch him a break?

            I fished my phone out of my pocket and dialed Liam’s number. “Hey Ni, what’s up?”

            “Louis’ in the hospital and we need a ride to there.”

            “What? How did this happen?! What happened and I want to know now!” He demanded. I have never heard Liam like this before. It almost makes him intimidating. “Jason and some other idiots hurt Louis. He had a panic attack and a huge gash on his side and Louis said to Harry before he stopped breathing that his head hit the wall.”

            “I am on my way! Watch out for Harry please, oh my god!” With that he hung up. I ended the call and Harry was looking at something on the floor. I traveled my gaze to where his was. There was blood…Louis’ blood. I gasped and Harry looked up at me with tears gathering in the corners of his eyes.

            “Li will be here. It’s going to be okay. We will ride to the hospital and then we can see him again. Louis will be just fine.” I was saying sweet nothings into his ear. But when I said that Louis will be fine, I was unsure. Even though I was too busy trying to hold Harry back, I did see Louis and the sight wasn’t good. There were bruises all over his face. His skin wasn’t the normal tan color, it was pale.

            “Niall, come on. Let’s get to the hospital to see what’s up.” Liam approached and I stood up, leaving Harry sitting by the wall with his knees to his chest.

            “Harry, it’s time to go.” I said calmly but my own voice started to shake. He nodded and I helped him up. He finally stopped crying but I could tell that he is trying to blink back tears. His eyes seem unfocused and dazed.

            We were about to walk through the lobby of the school when the voice that made my blood boil stopped us. “Aw, your poor boyfriend…he thinks he is all that! Well, hate to break it to ya lover boy but, he is in the hospital because of me.”

            Jason was now taunting Harry with a confident smirk on his face. I was about to say something about how he is hurt too but Harry beat me to it. Harry stormed over to Jason and grabbed his neck. He slammed his head to the nearest wall and Jason winced in pain.

            “Don’t like it do you? Louis didn’t either when he was in UNI! He went through the same thing and I am sick and tired of you doing the same!” Harry started punching him very hard everywhere on Jason’s face. Jason’s face was almost was helpless and in pain.

            “I HATE YOU! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU BOTHER ANYBODY EVER AGAIN!” Harry screamed in his face. Jason fell to the ground and Harry got on top of him, before kicking him in the ribs a couple of times. Pretty soon, there was a crowd and Harry didn’t seem like he was stopping anytime soon.

            Harry looked at Jason for a second and then punched him right on the nose a couple of times. His hand was redder than usual and then I realized that it was blood. Is his hand bleeding? Oh my God! It’s Jason’s blood. It looks like Harry can’t stop now.

            Jason was now just a limp body on the floor not even trying to fight back. He kept trying to say something to Harry but Harry kept hitting him only to have Jason’s pleas filled with groans.

            We heard a loud crack and that brought me and Liam out of our trances. I wrapped my arms around Harry’s waist and Liam got in between Jason and Harry. “Let me go! He deserves it after a whole year and then some for my boyfriend!”

            “Harry! He is almost unconscious! Cut him a break, now let’s go see Louis!” He scoffed but still tried to get out of my grasp to get to get to Jason. “HEY MADE ME GO INTO UNCONSCIOUSNESS SO MANY TIMES I LOST COUNT!” He yelled in my face.

            “You have gotta stop!” I am done with being calm. He needs to just let it go! Jason isn’t worth it.

            “SHUT UP! YOU GET ON MY NERVES SO MUCH NIALL!” That’s when I knew something snapped in him. He swung his arm my way and his fist landed right on my cheek. I let him go from my grasp and put my hand to my cheek. He looked like a lost puppy now.

            The anger was gone from his system and it looked like fear took over. He stepped back nervously and fell on his bum in the process. “I-I’m sorry, I-I sorry.” He whimpered. “Harry, please wait…its ok-.” He didn’t let me finish as he ran out of the building with tears streaming down his face.


 Was that okay?? I don't even know if people read this so.... not to be rude or anything but if you do, could you spread the story around? I know I might seem really bossy but I like this story a lot and I would like people to read it.

love you guys!! XXX

Beanies and Tattoos -Larry Stylinson- AU Punk!Louis UNI!HarryWhere stories live. Discover now