Project X

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"You don't regret leaving do you?" Sasuke's deep monotone voice cut through silence.

Snake turned to Sasuke whom was only mere inches away from her, she had mastered feeling others and everything around her with her sight gone. "Why would you ask that?" 

"You've just been a bit different since we left, a bit sad." Sasuke shrugged, "I don't want you to feel sad." He murmured placing a soft kiss on her forehead, not only had the two grown physically but mentally.

"There are days when I miss everyone, miss the Leaf and stuff, but I left to be with family, to be with you. I don't regret it, in fact I've only grown to love you more than before. Do you regret coming here with me?" Snake asked.

Sasuke frowned slightly, "I love you Snake, I do everything thinking that it won't just affect me but you also. You are my life, my everything. Don't ever forget that." Sasuke pulled Snake into a warm embrace, something they didn't do very often, especially not in front of others.

Snake loved these moments between them, with living with some experiments, her father, Kabuto and having to train, there didn't seem to be any time for just them two. Showing affection in front of her father and Kabuto was just uncomfortable and rare. Sasuke's warmth was something Snake craved in the cold underground cave they had moved into, considering they didn't stay in hideouts for more than a month.

A knock rapped at Sasuke's door making the two sigh and pull apart begrudgingly. Kabuto popped his head into the room, "Sorry to break up the moment but Orochimaru needs you both." The couple followed Kabuto down the maze of hallways and into Orochimaru's study.

Said man looked up when the three walked in, he set his glasses down and slumped backwards into his chair. "Snake, it's been a while we've left that wretched village, even more so the Akatsuki. You've done well, mastering Taijutsu, Genjutsu and ninjutsu now I think it's time we finish Project X." 

Snake was slightly shocked, she'd forgotten about Project X for a while, "When will we start?"



Sasuke didn't know to much about Project X, all he knew was that Snake would be the same as him if they were successful. Snake would have the Sharingan. not just that but she wouldn't be blind anymore. She could see the world she belonged in, she could see him, finally.

Sasuke watched as Kabuto attached an IV to Snake's arm, then began using syringes and injecting her with various liquids. One of the syringes was a dark thick liquid labeled, 'Hashirama.' Snake flinched as the liquid painfully entered her body, coursing through her veins.

"That's all for today Snake, rest and we'll continue the rest this week." Kabuto smied at her and ruffled her long black hair.

Sasuke grabbed Snake's hand and led her away, "Bye Kabu-ni." Snake waved with a soft smile before letting her boyfriend of a few years drag her away. They came back into Sasuke's room where they lay in comfortable silence.

"Ne, Sasuke." Snake snuggled into Sasuke's warm and muscular body, he hummed in response. "I have boobies now." Sasuke raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend.

"You've always had boobs." Snake frowned and cupped her breast. "I like yours better." Snake smirked and stuffed her face into Sasuke's chest. Sasuke chuckled softly and wrapped his arms around his lover and let sleep consume him.

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