(Dark Sonic) Don't Be Scared...

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-:-:- Dark Sonic is my absolute favorite super form... Though Fleetway Super is my second favorite. Annnyyyhhhooooooo NEXT IM GONNA DO DARK SHADOW!!! And I don't even know what that'd be!


"SONIC!" You shouted. Eggman had captured and used you to lure Sonic out. This was the first time he'd managed to catch you; everyone knew you rivaled the Triple S's (Sonic, Shadow, Silver) in skill. But, everyone has an off day. And this was yours.

First you'd woken up on the wrong side of the bed, then you hurt your shoulder when you were sparring. And then, your favorite restaurant was out of Coke, and you had to settle for the disgrace to mankind and all things soda that calls itself by the horrid name PEPSI. (It is truly horrible.) Finally, to top it all off, the stupid Egghead managed to capture you.

"HO HO HO HO... Sonic! Your little friend is waiting on you!" Eggman said in a singsong voice, which was honestly torture in of itself. "Oh just SHUT UP, Egghead! I don't need Sonic to get me out of here, I'll do it myself!" You shouted sarcastically.

It bugged you when people assumed you needed help, or that you were just a damsel in distress. You could fight your own battles, thank them very much!

"Be quiet or I'll kill you early!" Eggman shouted at you. You scoffed. "I don't think so, Eggs. By the way, your toupee is in the wrong place. It's not supposed to be under your nose, it's supposed to be on your head."

It... Was probably the wrong thing to say... But you smirked anyway. Confidence had forest you far, and many people swore you and Sonic were perfect for each other with your shared snarkiness.

Eggman snarled, ordering his robot henchmen to lock you in a glass tube. It was either a roboticizer... Or something worse. "What are you doing, Eggman?" You asked, glaring. "Having a little fun." He replied, mocking your sassy tone from earlier. Eggman flicked a switch and suddenly, your world was filled with pain.

Everything went black.

////Sonic's POV\\\\

(Y/n)... Sonic had arrived in Egghead's base just in time to hear you screaming in pain before crumpling lifeless lay to the floor of the containment tube. Eggman was laughing maniacally in his odd way.

Sonic stood, frozen, for what to him seemed like hours, when in reality it wasn't even a split second. "(Y/n)..." He murmured through clenched teeth. "You... Hurt her... You hurt (y/n)..." Somic's irises and pupils disappeared, causing his eyes to seem only a glowing white. The speedy hedgehog's gloves tore as he clenched his fists so tight that the claws all hedgehogs had cut through them. The scary transformation was completed as Sonic's once light, refreshing blue coat darkened and began... Wisping.

Sonic had become his darker side.

Sonic had become Dark Sonic.

////(y/n)'s POV\\\\

You murmured something unintelligibly as you slowly cracked your eyes open. Everything hurt. A blurry shape was above you, standing still, standing silent. You could tell it was Sonic... Wasn't it?


"Shh, (y/n), rest. No one will hurt you now. I promise." Sonic's voice was wrong. It was his voice... But... Wrong. "S-Sonic... What happened...? Wh-why do you sound... funny?" You blinked until the figure above you came into focus.

"I'm glad you're alright, (y/n). Don't be afraid, it's me... Sonic."

You sat up, wincing, and carefully watched the dark, powerful hedgehog in front of you. "You... Aren't Sonic." You told him quietly. This may be the first time you'd ever really been scared. "I want my Sonic." The Dark form of your best friend -and crush- stood up, snarling angrily.

"What do you MEAN, YOUR Sonic?! I AM your Sonic! I'm exactly the same, (y/n), and don't you EVER say otherwise!"

"S-Sonic... You're scaring me..."

Dark Sonic towered over you furiously, raising a fist as it to hit you. And you had to admit it. You were scared. "WELL?!" He snapped. "I'm WAITING! Apologize!"

"I-I'm s-sorry!" You squeaked, terrified. This wasn't Sonic. This wasn't the hedgehog you knew... There tears leaking down your cheeks and you cowered away from the dark being. He paused, noticing your fear.

Dark Sonic knelt down next to you, wincing slightly when you shrunk away. Even in his crazed, raging state, he knew he'd never seen you this terrified of anything. 

"Hey..." He said softly, reaching out a hand which was gloved by only a scrap of torn, bloody cloth. Where the blood had come from, you could only guess. Flinching as the darkened fingers gently touched your shoulder, you closed your eyes tightly, preparing for a blow that didn't come. "(Y/n)... Please don't be scared of me... (Y/n), please..." 

You didn't reply. The one part of your mind that wasn't scared, the part that always had a stupid joke or a snide remark no matter what the situation, was extremely embarrassed about how the rest of you was acting.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry. Please forgive me, I didn't mean to scare you. Please, (y/n), I love you!" There was a sudden, tense silence. Dark Sonic froze, waiting in agony to hear your reply, and you... You were frozen out of confusion. Everything was happening speed of Sonic, and it was all quite ridiculous, really.

"...Sonic... I love you too." Dark Sonic sat silently, processing, then hugged you. As he did, he changed back into his normal, non-scary self. His fur lightened and the dark aura dissipated as he eyes turned from glowing, pure white to their natural Master Emerald green. "Good. I was scared you didn't."

Today had been a horrible day. First you'd woken up on the wrong side of the bed, then you hurt your shoulder when you were sparring. And then, your favorite restaurant was out of Coke, and you had to settle for the disgrace to mankind and all things soda that calls itself by the horrid name PEPSI. The stupid Egghead managed to capture you. Finally, to top it all off, Sonic turned from his normal cocky self into a furious monster.

But maybe... Maybe the rest of the day would be better... Because as long as Sonic was next to you, you knew you'd never be scared again.

-:-:- and that concludes possibly the best/worst of my X readers so far.

Right. Please vote, comment, and do all that jazz. If you want a second part, a specific character and/or story, request please.

The next one should be about Fang the Sniper unless someone requests something I'm more interested in.



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