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Now it's like 3pm. Can time go slower?
Not that i'm excited to meet this 'person' I just wanna watch Netflix and take a nap.

French is so hard to be honest. Why do we have to learn that language? I DONT FUCKING NEED IT AND I'M NOT INTERESTED. know what I mean?
Oh, btw this new guy is in my class again because we have ALL classes together except History. Great.

Finally class was over and now it's last period, Biology. I dont wanna even know how the flower is having 'sex' i dont know the word for that bc i dont care. It's just stupid and about bacteriës and stuff, ugh. No thanks!

"Okay class sit down and take your binders on page 35"
I sighed, I took out my phone and started texting my friends and also playing some games, not really paying attention to the teacher.

i'm hungry ughhh
This room was ugly and old. Big high tables with high chairs, Everything about bones and penis and shit, Gas and water things. +++ it always smells bad here.

I felt someone tap my shoulder so i turned around.
"Are you Elizabeth?"

"Uhh yes why?" i said confused.

"I've heard your name around"

"Wtf you talking about" i said annoyed

"You'll found out by yourself darling" he smirked at me.


Sorry, this kinda sucked. Leave some comments on how I should let her know why everyone is talking about her.

Lovess xxxx

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