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| Taemin's pov |


My mom and dad drove to the Star X University the next day. I hadn't been this excited before, i'm technically a brain-maniac. People call me outdated due to reasons like I read more textbooks than other teenagers which read books like 50 shades of grey or those erotic magazines. But no, i won't lay a finger on them! One thing i don't like getting injured in school or suffer another asthma attack due to the nurses in school, especially when you're in an ALL-male school, they hit on you. Or worse make out with you. That i'm scared of.

Finally the day came to leave. My family includes, mom, dad and my little poodle dog named Hushie. We're just that soft typical family with retarded parents. The drive took us 2 hours and 45 seconds to reach to the University. Which is worth the waiting. Star X University stood tall in the middle of Seoul, Very tall building with Banners of pasts scholars. One more thing about this school is that, most of the students there is RICH. LIKE VERY RICH. But no i'm not rich.

There is like alot of building with different title carved infront of them, like Chemist/Science, Bussiness/Finance, Technology/Art and so on. But i'm here for Biology/Science. Theres cottages surrounding the School, probably the Dormitories. My heart pounded very hard as we walk to the gate, it's like a new future ahead of me. But i come here to learn, not to mingle or make-out with guys. Right..?

There's a bridge connected from the Main Hall to the Cottages, everyone exits from there. "You get to hide from lessons" "You get to escape from each of the lessons too, like you visit to the toilet and you meet different guys making out in each cubicle, it's like a race, you see" That's what Onew hyung told me. I make a disgust face. This school doesn't look that bad, i mean all the boys are neat and 'good looking' .

Mr Kai met us at reception at the office building, he introduced himself as the head of all the new students here. He doesn't even look like the 'head'. He could be my dongsaeng! After he introduced himself to us, turnout that he is 2 years younger than me! he stop mid-way from his college to work and blablabla.

He took us around the school, theres a track and field area, a gym, a karaoke place (what the fuck?) and the classes, it's VERY huge. Back in the dining hall, Kai explained about meal times. Breakfast was from 7:00 to 8:00, lunch from 12:30 to 1:30, dinner from 6:00 to 7:30. As he talk to my parents, i make my way to the toilet, each one of the cubicles are much bigger than a prison cell. I was calculating the sum of each length. 

There's four cubicles in the right and in the middle, a shower room, then to the left another 4 cubicles in a line. I walk back out to my parents, i heard what they were talking about... they were asking if theres Nurses due to my condition, NO NO NO NO GET OUT ! PLEASE ! 

You know what? there's Nurses allocated to each classes, and one of them greeted me. The nurse actually smirked when she lays her eyes on me, she was checking me out! ew ew ew ew. "What?!" I whispered, shoving her away. I rub my face in disgust, gosh how am i going to survive?

As i look at the clock, 12:30 pm. It's lunch.

"Get out get out!" Some high pitch voice called out, i turn around. A guy who looks like the same age as me in a neon Pink leather jacket with studs on it, and short shorts like way short for a guy with baseball socks. Looking very fantabulous. Who is he? so bossy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2013 ⏰

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