The Beginning

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I woke up to the sound of a screeching noise. I shot up and looked around frantically, before getting out of the bed. I walked to the window and looked out, gasping at the sight before me. A mangy beast was killing another, smaller version of it. Corrupted, crossed my mind and I snarled in disgust. I turned away from the window and back to my bed.

A black raven flew through my door and dropped a note next to me, then disappeared into thin air. I sighed and picked up the note, throwing it between my hands. I finally opened it and smiled.

You Are Invited To Zalgo's Mansion For A Masquerade Feast! Come One , Come All! Come Meet The New Princess ( And Maybe Your New Lover) And Have The Night Of Your Immortal Life!

I folded the note back up and placed it on my endtable, before getting up and walking to my closet. So much black. I fingered through the material before one caught my eye. It was blue and black, with lace covering it. I smiled and took it off the hanger and ran into my bathroom. I took off my current clothes and put the dress on, feeling my wrists tingle. I looked into the mirror and my hair started curling and make-up started forming on my face.

I took a look in the mirror and smiled at my beauty and walked out of the bathroom and went to the shoe compartment in the closet. I picked black pumps and threw them on. I walked over to the standing mirror and smiled satisfactorily. Then, a thought popped into my head. I need a mask. Let me ask Dad.

I walked out of my room and carefully walked down the stairs, looking around for Zalgo. When I spotted him, I smirked. He was dressed in a red suit with a black rose pinned onto his left. I approached him with a now gentle smile.

"Damn Dad, looking good," I teased. He turned around and his eyes lit up.

"Ah! Look at you Stella-Luna!" He grinned and took my hand, spinning me around. "You look magnificent!"

"Thanks Dad. But, I need a mask before people start arriving"

"Go ask Seth, he's outside, he should know where they are." I nodded and walked out the front door, into the yard.

I spotted Seth and drooled a little. He had on a black suit with a white rose pinned onto his left breast. His hair was slicked back and he smelled good. I walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder, he turned around and his face lit up as he looked me up and down. He whistled and winked at me.

"Looking good sweetie," He said with a smirk. I blushed lightly and nodded.

"Thanks , but I need a mask. Dad said you could help me with that." He nodded and swiped his hand across the air, resulting in a box to form and drop to the ground. He looked at me and nodded, going into the box. He grabbed a blue mask, lined with black lace and handed it to me.

"Here sweetie, this goes good." He smiled and I took it. I nodded a thank you and hugged him.

"Thanks Seth, gotta run!" I held the mask tightly and started walking over to the door before Seth's voice rang out.

"Save me a dance principessa!" I turned around and gave him a thumbs up. I walked back inside and was directed by a shadow servant into the ballroom. I followed his directions and looked up in awe. The ballroom looked gorgeous as did the people starting to horde in. I quickly put on my mask and walked over to Zalgo. He was talking to a pony, Pinkie Pie. She had black holes for eyes and looked pretty much dead. I noted to ask Seth about her later. I approached the two and smiled.

"Hey dad," I nodded at the pony, "and Pinkie pie." The horse stared at me and I shuddered feeling a little creeped out.

"Ah, I see you found a mask my dear?"

"Yeah, Seth helped me, just like you said."

"Good , good. Now, there will be a lot of people tonight and I expect you make a lot of new friends. Tomorrow we will start training." Zalgo snapped his fingers and his face distorted into his demon face. "Let's get this party started." He walked off and Pinkie Pie clopped after him, shooting me a glare over her shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and looked around. There was now three times the people and the noise level was slowly rising. I groaned and started walking, I was thinking to myself before I tripped and nearly face planted into the ground. Nearly. My face was two inches from the ground , but my body was in strong arms. My breathing picked up and I got a vision


As my reality vision came back, I was pulled back up onto my feet. I looked up to see who was my savior and was met with a blue mask, that looked similar to my own.

"T-thanks for that, my face would have been noodle soup!" I laughed nervously and he grunted before the most deepest voice emitted from under the mask.

"No problem Stella... Luna," He then turned and walked away, leaving me standing there with curiosity of who that was.
A/N: Her dress is the picture. Uhm yeah , so enjoy! x

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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