Gohan X Reader

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You and Gohan were best friends. You helped each other on schoolwork, homework, and in your free time, played games over conversating about school.

Nothing more, nothing less. That was until Gohan started acting a bit... distant.

Anytime you came near, his face would glow red and he'd make an excuse on why he had to leave as soon as possible. You never really questioned it, knowing how he had a strict mother and little brother to take care of.

But Gohan even stopped talking to you. Then you knew something was up. You knocked softly on the door and waited patiently. After a minute, you were greeted by a young boy, who you recognized was Goten, smiling brightly with a bag of chips in hand.

"Gohan isn't home yet." Goten said without you even having to say you were looking for him. "He's shopping with mom. You can stay with me and Trunks till they get back?" He cocked his head as he grinned brightly, similar to his father which you only met two times due to him always training.

"Sure!" You smiled back and followed him inside. The house was neat despite the junk food and soda on the table. The TV was on and a paused game was shown.

"Hey Y/N!" Trunks greeted as he finished a soda bottle and crushed it with his forehead.

"These kids are crazy." You thought as you waved to him.

"Want a soda, Y/N?" Goten asked as he showed a case of ( Insert favorite soda or drink ).

"Yeah!" You immediately grabbed the drink and started chugging it. Goten snickered at how thirsty you were and sat down, continuing his game. You sat with them and watched the two children play since it was a two player game.

Everyone's head turned towards the doorway as Gohan and Chi-Chi walked in, carrying almost a thousand grocery bags.

"O-oh, Y/N!" Gohan exclaimed with a dark blush across his cheeks. "I-I wasn't expecting y-you to be h-here."

Chi-Chi smiled behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'll give you two some privacy." She said and ordered Goten to take the bags in Gohan's hands. Trunks joined in and got the rest of the bags outside with them.

That left you and Gohan in the living room alone.

"S-so, what brings you here, Y/N?" Gohan said casually although shaking in his boots.

You sighed and gave him a serious look.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" You asked. Gohan opened his mouth to respond but you cut him off. "I mean, did I say something wrong? Do you not like me anymore? What could I possibly have done to deserve a silent treatment from my only friend ever since I moved here?!"

"Y/N, listen." Gohan said calmly. He adjusted the thick-framed glasses the rested on the bridge of his nose. "You didn't do anything wrong. What's wrong is that I, uhm...I-I..."

"Spit it out already, Gohan!" You spat. For some reason, you were on the verge of tears. One of your biggest fears was losing him and it seemed as though they came true.

"Y/N, I...I love you."

Those words shot you like an arrow to your heart. It was as though the world had stopped. You gave him a blank stare before responding.

"Y-you...love me?" You repeated, almost believing the moment was a dream. Gohan nodded quickly and looked down at his feet.

A wide grin grew on your face and you pulled Gohan into a giant bear hug.

"Wh-wha-" Gohan's eyes widened as he looked down at you.

"You're so sweet! I love you too, Gohan!" You squealed and hugged him tighter. Your words brought a wave of relief to him and Gohan smiled as he hugged back.

Trunks, Goten, and Chi-Chi walked in on your hug fest. While Chi-Chi smiled brightly, the two young boys gagged and ran off.

You noticed Gohan's mother standing there and immediately pulled away. You cleared your throat and looked up at him.

"Still friends, right?" You said with a grin.

Gohan raised a brow, looking confused. "When I said "I love you", I meant it like..."boyfriend/girlfriend" kind of way."

Your eyes widened and you laughed.

"I thought you meant it as friends!" You said in between your laughter. "But if you're asking me out then hell yeah I'll go out with you!"

The two of you laughed and for your first date, you went to the arcade and Gohan won a giant teddy bear for you.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the rushed and cliché ending XD

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