Chapter 5

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(This one is in Levi's POV. Why? Because why not. Enjoy.)

I never thought I would be happy at the Survey Corps. After losing Farlan and Isabel I agreed to stay. I didn't regret that decision. I promised myself I wouldn't. I also never thought I would find anyone else to call my friend. Shitty glasses of course changed that. I would never admit it. I didn't even want to admit to myself. I didn't want to get close to someone again, only to lose them. But Hanji was something different. She was absolutely fucking nuts. She was noisy, messy, annoying, and a huge pain in the ass. But... She was also kind, brave, smart, funny, and absolutely beautiful. Her smile could make time and life itself stop. I found myself enjoying her company more and more. I even began to get feelings for her. I wanted her to know I cared. But I didn't want her getting any wrong ideas. I didn't love her... I didn't. But I wanted to do something special. She deserved it. I got out a pen and paper, and wrote the hardest note of my life. Once I had perfected it I walked to her door. I reached out to knock but my hand stop just inches before contact. Oh god... What is she rejected my request? What if she laughed and thought I was a joke? What if she took it wrong?! No. I was overthinking. I needed to relax. Just knock on the door and-

The door suddenly opened, and there stood Hanji. She jumped a little, clearly not expecting me to be standing at her door like an idiot.

"Oh... Hey Levi. Were you getting ready to knock? Coincidence huh?" She smiled. I loved that smile. "What do you need?"

I was frozen. I couldn't think. I could only focus on her. 

"Uhhh... Levi? Are you okay?" She waved her hand in front on my face. Then she noticed the envelope in my hand. "Oh. Is that for me?"

I finally snapped out of it. "No shit glasses. I mean. Yes. Dammit... Just take it." I held it out for her. That went well. Very smooth Levi. Play it cool. I leaned against the wall looking bored and stoic. Like always. I didn't show it, but for some reason... I was still really nervous about how she out react to that letter.


(Hanji's POV)

I took the letter from Levi. He was acting kind of weird but I shrugged it off. I open the envelope and pulled out a letter. A letter? From Levi? Why didn't he just tell me what he wanted?

"Read it out loud." I looked up from the letter and he looked back. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall more.

I looked back down at the letter. "Dear Hanji. Think of this as a thank you for helping me when I came here. And also think of it as a get together between acquaintances. I would like to invite you to have dinner with me tonight. Meet in the dining hall at 6. Don't be late and try to look presentable. Levi."

I smiled and laughed. "I'm not sure why you couldn't just ask me but I'll see you at si-" He had walked away. I sighed and looked at the letter again. A smile spread across my lips. Presentable. I didn't exactly have anything nice to wear. Maybe Petra could help. I wanted to do my part and make this special too. As I walked to Petra's room I couldn't help but feel little flutters in my stomach and chest. That feeling I always got around Levi. I wondered to myself if he ever felt that way too. It was then that I found myself at Petra's door. I knocked and 3 hours of clothes, hair, and makeup followed after. It was hell. But it was for Levi... So in the end it was all worth it.

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