Chapter 3

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Anna's POV

"We are One Direction" My mouth hung open and Lou covered my mouth.

"Don't scream" Lou said.

I tried to tell him that I wasn't going to scream but he still didn't remove his hand.

"Mmmm mmmm mmmmm" Was all you could hear from me.

I was trying to tell him to get is hand off me. I glared at him and he still didn't remove his hand. I just bite down on his hand. He yelped and pulled away.

"I was trying to say that I wasn't going to yell. Why would I?" I said.

Lou wiped off my saliva and looked at his hand. What a baby.

They started to take off their shades and hoodies. I only recognized Zayn. I looked at him and snickered.

"My best friend would most definitely like to eat your face off" I said to him.

He blushed. Hahaha I made Zayn blush. Oh wow so I'm here talking to a band I don't like. Awesome!

"Don't you like us?" The curly haired kid asked.

"First off please tell me your names. I know you're Lou, you're Niall and you're Zayn" I said pointing to the guys.

"Who are you two?" I said pointing at Curly and Mr.Nice.

"I'm Liam and that's Harry. By the question you asked I guess you're not a fan..."Liam said.

I shook my head. I'm not a fan and don't think I'll ever be.

"How come you don't like us? Are we not good enough?" Harry said fluttering his eyes.

"You guys are just five pretty boys who make music SOME people like. I only like the song Ed wrote for you guys. Sorry" I actually felt kinda awkward now. I scratched the back of my head.

"You think I' mean, we are pretty?" Lou asked wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.

Oh my god. I stood up. I think it's time to leave. My eyes widened when I saw all the girls pressed against the windows. Oh man! Directioners everywhere. I looked at my watch. Shiz! It's already almost 11.

"Guys I think it's time for me to leave" I said.

"Why?" Zayn asked.

"Take a look at the windows" I said. They turned around and the girls started to scream. Ow my ear drums. They flipped their hoods back on and put on their shades.

"I'll just go now" I started walking towards the door. A hand gripped my wrist. I turned back to see it was Niall.

"You can't go that way. The fans will eat you up" I laughed at what he said.

Is he serious right now?! Those Directioners aren't going to lay a finger on me. It's really sweet that he cares though. I wish Chris could care about me at times.

"It's okay I'll kick their arses" I said. He let go of my wrist.

The barista began to walk towards us. Well then. She doesn't care about me. These guys right here are One Direction. Everyone wants them. I started to walk again towards the door but suddenly I felt my feet lift off the ground. What the heck! I was on Lou's shoulder. Why is he carrying me.

"Put me down!" I screamed.

"No can do, love" He said. I tried to squirm off him but no use.

I pounded my fists onto his back telling him to put me down but he didn't.The guys started running to the back of the Starbucks. Liam held open the door and they all ran to a car. I felt a pair of hands on my bum.

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