Obey the holy 5 gods

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If you should even consider yourself as a true MCR soldier, you shall always help out other killjoys. You shall do the ritual of praying to the holy Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Ray Toro, Mikey Way and Bob Bryar. Say like this every night when you're about to sleep:

"I'll always be loyal to MCR. I'll always help other Killjoys out. So long and goodnight."

And what's the worst thing I could saaaay, thing-- Oh sorry, I just... Anyways, Back to the track: You shall always be strong and carry on. You shall always be ready to walk this world alone. If you loose someone that you love, salute them. Die with your mask on, if you have to. Never let them take you alive. For all the people that hurt you, tell them to back off. You're a true killjoy, and you will never obey someone else.

Gerard, the holy god, will always help you out. His voice could kill all the bad guys in a radar of five kilometres.

Frank Iero, the brave rebell god, will always find a reason to fight. Fight everyday life, fight those bullies, fight life.

Ray Toro, the guitar god, will always play his golden guitar for you. Whenever you need him to, play some of his music. He'll reach out to you.

Mikey Way, for the sake of unicorns, he's the funny quiet genious that always has a plan, though he's a danger to himself and should not be equipped with forks and toasters at the same time...

Bob Bryar, the drumming god, is the one who keeps all the boys from beeing hurt. He teaches them to take no crap whatsoever.

Like this chapter if you are a true Killjoy-soldier and will always follow these rules.

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