Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

This time when she came to, her memories of the morning came with her. There was a toddler running on a road, the screeching of a car on said road, and being knocked out by said car on said road. Oh. Well that explained the pounding headache. And now that she thought about it, the backache, too. Was the kid okay?

She gasped, her dry mouth causing her tongue to temporarily stick to her palette. Working some moisture into her mouth, she asked, her voice wheezing, "Is he okay?"

The nurse came rushing towards her, "Miss Adkins? Doctor! She's awake! Miss Adkins? Do you know where you are?"

What kind of a question was that? Weren't they supposed to ask the date and current Prime Minister of England or something? Who trained the medical staff of this world anyway?

"Is he okay? Tell me, please."

The nurse furrowed her brow, "Who, may I ask, are you inquiring about?"

"The child? Little boy, black hair, about two or—"

"Oh yes, Michael Williams. Yes, thanks to you, all he experienced was a little shock, but he's perfectly fine. So, you remember what happened, then?"

She cleared her throat, "Yeah, I do. Okay. The babe's okay. That's good."

She closed her eyes again, just wanting to sleep.

She groaned as the doctor from earlier called her name, "Miss Adkins. Please try and stay awake for a few minutes so that we can monitor you. We wouldn't want you to slip into a coma."

Despite the pain in her head, she scoffed.

"Really, Dr Abbot. If I was going to slip into a coma, I would have done it ages ago. Besides, I need to get out of here. I cannot afford to stay here a moment longer and I need to avoid getting fired, that is if I haven't already lost my job."

The doctor chuckled, "Well we can see that you are going to be okay. But unfortunately, you will have to stay a while, at least until we are sure that you aren't going to lose consciousness on us."

She groaned. "No, you don't understand. I really can't afford to stay here. I don't have the money. You have to discharge me now."

"You don't have to worry about the money. We have public healthcare, remember?"

It was the deep voice; the sinfully deep voice of Benedict Williams, who was standing at the foot of her bed doing God knew what there.

"What?" Her gaze snapped to the man and she nearly blacked out again. She was certain that in her current situation, doing a full body scan of the actor was not ideal. Especially as she heard an annoying beeping. Oh, that was her heart monitor. How lovely.

"Calm down, Miss Adkins. Staying here is not costing you anything."

Oh, money. They thought her heart was accelerating because of the bills. Yeah, that was great. They must think her an imbecile for forgetting about her own country's law.

However, the smile on the handsome man's face said otherwise.

"Miss Adkins, might I just say, thank you for saving my son's life. I don't know how to repay you. If there is anything that you need, anything at all-


"Excuse me?"

"I need to be discharged right now. My boss is going to kill me!"

The doctor gave a nervous glance at the actor, who frowned down at her.

"Miss Adkins, you've been in an accident. I'm sure that your boss will understand."

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