the day of the party and meek gets beyonce

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Bey:( today me and jay are supposed to have a day together so im laying here looking at him)

Jay:( today i was supposed to have alone day with bey till i heard my phone go off) hello

Ty ty: man what u doing

Jay: me and bey are having an us day i promised her

Ty ty: man come to the club

Jay: nah man and tonight me and bey are going to meeks club party

Ty ty: man tonight let meek have her and let urself get another girl

Jay: man ur stupid ( i got dressed and went downstairs to my man cave)

Ty ty: nah man but really let meek have bey and ill get u rihanna

Jay: deal shes perfect

Ty ty: ikr

Jay: man if u fail ill kill u

Ty ty: i got u man and u know u want her

Jay: man idk im married ive never cheated and left bey and i love her

Ty ty: man ik u do but let her go man

Jay: i want her back tomorrow

Ty ty: cant man if u let her go u will be fucked with rihanna and the press

Jay: man whatever get me her beys history now and meet me at the club now with her

Ty ty: k ill hit her up

Bey:( i got up and went to jays cave man room and went in and spoke) r we having our day today

Jay: we was but me and ty ty are hitting the club

Bey: oh ok tonight

Jay: club again

Bey: oh ok ( i walked out and went to our room and cried and called my mom)

Tina: hey bey

Bey: hey mom

Tina: why u crying

Bey: just having problems mom

Tina: whats wrong

Bey: well me and jay were supposed to have me and jay day and now he is clubbing all day and night with ty ty and im alone mom its everytime

Tina: what club u two going to

Bey: tonight its the one here in la its a party for meek mill from seven to three am

Tina: ill come with u and ill pick u up

Bey: alright mom thanks

Tina: see u soon baby take it easy

Bey: i will mom( still crying) bye

Tina: bye bey

Jay:( i listened to beys call to her mom and called ty ty)

Ty ty: hey jay

Jay: im out i aint coming i cant hurt bey shes already crying and called her mom

Ty ty: jay man let her go rihanna is wearing a skirt that goes to the bottom of her ass and no underwear man and shes giving u lap dances till u cum ur pants

Jay: man i feel to bad

Ty ty: jay im here at ur home lets go

Jay: fine

(Six o clock at beys)

Tina: bey im here

Bey: hey mom

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