Chapter 1

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I wake up, like every usual day I'm the first up. I savor the precious few moments I have left before my stepmother wakes up. I sit looking at the stars pasted on the ceiling over my twin matteress. Everytime I glance at them, I see my father, he put them up there when I was 5. I was really into space back then, and my life's dream was to become a astronaut, one of the very few women who traveled space. My dad even took out 500,000 dollars in m name so when I turned the right age, I would have enough money to attend a college for astrounuats. My father was CEO of a very succsesful company, who made sofware for computers. He was very wealthy, and could afford anything. After he died though, my stepmother took over the company, all my funds for college, drained for my stepmother's selfish reasons. My stepsister and stepbrother are just as bad, to them I'm their personal maid, to cook, clean, and pamper to their every need. I miss the old life, when I had hopes and dreams, but now, I'm still picking up the shaddered pieces of my old life.

I glance at my alarm clock, the neon red numbers shine brightly and flash in my face. " 4:30" I murrmur, sitting up in my uncomfortable bed. I rubbed my eyes and crawl out of bed. It was a late night, yesterday. My stepmother, had a benefit dinner for under privliged children, and I had to pick up my druken stepbrother at 2am, and clean up after a party my stepsister threw before my, stepmother came back from her dinner. I had finnaly laid down for a much needed rest, but had to wake up again, at 3:30 to assist stepmother out of her car and to the house, it was 4 when I finnaly got back to bed. Now 30 minutes later I was waking up again to get everything ready for a party my stepmother was throwing for her clinets. I walk over to the bathroom, I was so weak I thought I could just fall asleep in the bathtub. I rushed over to the sink and drown my face in frezzing cold water, and I woke up with a start. " Now to start another day of pain and misfourtune" I moan and walk out my bedroom door, still in my pajamas.

I began vacuming, mopping, sweeping, scrubing, and washing the house, and when I looked up at the cloock it was 6:30. " One more hour until the demons come down" I mumble and countine scrub the bathroomup and down. The fumes of bleach went to my head, but I was use to it now. It was around 7:00 am when I started cooking breakfast. Making a dozen belgian waffles is no easy task. Along with homemade pancakes and biscuits, bacon and eggs. They never eat the food, stepmother and sister are on diets, and my stepbrother only eats the bacon and eggs to build up his protien. I don't get why I should make the pancakes, walffes and biscuits but they make me make it anyway.

" Cya! Is breakfast ready! I don't have time for you to be dillydalying." My stepmother yells from atop the grand staircase.

" Yes stepmother, breakfast is done". I tell her. Rushing to cook the last batch of bacon.

" Bethany darling come now, we will pick uo your dress for homecoming." I hear my stepmother say.

I fetched the last of the bacon and throw it on the plate before my stepfamily comes down stairs. My stepmom stomps down the steps, this was very unusal, she should be in a good mood, with all her clinets and potential clients comeing for a party and all. " Cya! You selfish brat" I hear her say as she comes down the last few steps. I close my eyes waiting for the smack arcoss the face. But none came, only strong harsh words frommy step sister. Who was now standing in front of me. " Cya I can believe you, my mom gives you a home and your own room, but you instead go stealing jewlery." Bethany shouted, her face turning a vibrat shade of red.

" Jewlery? I never stole anything from you nor stepmother." I studder. My hands wet and slimey from the pancake batter and sweat. Then it happened, the strong backhand slap on my check.

" what did I tel you about lying, wench!!" My stepmother says.

I back up from them holding my check as it throbbed from the pain. "I did no such thing. I never stole anything, ever." I stammer.

"So I guess you didn't take Brick to a bar to get him drunk and pick him up later at the dead of night." Bethany says, as her blonde her bouncing around and her blues eyes wide with anger.

"He only told me he was going out with friends." I say, choking on my words. I nearly escaped another slap on the face.

" My son does not lie." My stepmother barks balling her hand into a fist.

Now I was getting angry. I know there was no use in arguing with my stepmom and I was so sick of tired of being accused of everything.

" Ask Bethany, maybe your jewels were stolen by you precious daughter." I replied sarcastically, crossing my arms.

Bethany face now was blood red and her hair was a hot mess. She looked like a rabid dog!

" Your a piece of trash Cya, I HATE YOU!!" Bethany shouted " And your father, worthless piece of trash just like you!!"

My stepmother just stood there, nodding to her daughters every word.

Now Bethany could say what ever she wants about me, but talking about my father was a whole different thing!!

" Listen you skank!! My father is the best thing to happen to your gold digger of mother and that druken bastard you call a brother!! You still would be picking up cans to make your money, if your mother didn't seduce my dad!!" I shout, letting all the anger I had kept over the years out.

" That is enough Cya!!" My stepmother bellows grabbing me by my hair. She pulled and twisted my chocolate brown locks and throws me to the ground.

Bethany wasted no time in beating me. She dropped to her knees and began beating me like a drum with her sweaty fists. My stepmother joined in, by kicking me in my stomach repeatedly.

" This should teach you a lesson you worthless reject!" My stepmother growls.

I was sprawled out on the floor as my step mother and sister beat me senseless.

" Ugh I messed my hair up, beating this freak-show!!" Bethany squeals, halting her punches.

" I did too daughter, we can continue this later." My stepmother says, giving me one final kick in my face. The two demons fixed their clothing and made a few minor touch ups to their hair, I strolled out the door, as if nothing ever happened.

I was breathing heavily, and blood was pouring out of my nose, and my body was a bruised mess. But I was used to, the beatings. This one is felt like nothing compared to when Brick joins in.

I sighed, I was a bloody mess. And I still had to get ready for school.

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