Chapter 18

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(Junior POV )

Me: Mama, I saw Marisol in my dream!

Mom stared at me with that sad look she's been giving me all day. She just shook her head and held my hand in hers. The doctor people kept pricking me with scary needles all day. I would get to go home in an hour but mom and dad were acting funny. They kept being so clingy and wouldn't even let me use the restroom alone. I decided to ask them why.

Me: Mommy.. Daddy.. Why are you guys so sad? I woke up from my dream so you should be happy again.

Tiana: Baby, we are glad. Its just shocking.. We wouldn't want anything to happen to you again.

Dad just started into space. Hmmm, I guess.. I just went back to watching the big TV above me and playing with the toy cars my daddy bought for me.

(Prince POV)

I was so happy my baby boy woke up, it was just a lot on my mind right now. I had so many unanswered questions. Starting off with if I should really kill Roc because that nigga made my baby, Ti, cry over him. I really wanted to know if she would let me back into her life. I could make them so happy now with all the money I have and we could finally be a happy family.

That's what I wanted the most; to become a family like we should've been to start with. I hated missing my only child's birth and half of his childhood. I wanted to make it up to them but I don't think anything could mend the time I was away from them.

I looked over at Tiana. She looked so worried. I know she must be feeling way worse than me. Our son was her everything; the only male that hadn't done her wrong, he almost got killed because of me being careless. Her dimples didn't dare crease her cheeks right now. My favorite feature of hers was destroyed for a while with the sudden wash of sadness.

Me: Hey, Ti.. Uh, Tiana I meant.

She looked my way but didn't speak.

Me: Could I talk to you in the hall? Just right quick.

She just got up and walked into the hall. I guided her back into this floor's waiting room. She sat down and stared up at me. We held the same look until she cleared her throat. I had to tell her I wanted to try and become a family. For real, this time.

Me: Ti, I love you and you know this..-

Tiana: I don't.

Me: Well I'm sorry if I haven't shown it but, I really do. I want you, Junior and I to be a real fami..-

She scoffed, stood up and put her hand in my face.

Tiana: Jacob, save it. I don't want you thinking just because Roc left me and our son almost DIED that you can just swoop in and think I'll take you back. I would say back like high school but I'm sure you didn't even love me for real back then either.

I narrowed my eyes at her. How could she say this shit to me?

Me: Tiana.. Just be quiet and listen. Now, like I was saying..-

She cut me off again! She laughed. But not in a good way. In a "nigga, what?!" way.

Tiana: If you loved me and Junior like you say you do, you would've been there for us from the beginning. Therefore I don't want to hear this. Just step up and take care of your responsibility now while you still can. No fake love shit again, just us two co-parenting. And not your little jealous ass girlfriends that want to kill my only pride and joy in there.

She rolled her eyes and rushed off back to Junior's room. My heart was so broken in a million pieces right now. Why the sudden change of heart from her? I sighed heavily and fixed my shirt before walking back in to say goodbye to my son.

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