Chapter 1

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Hardworking - Someone using a lot of time and energy to do work.

That's I was, some people are born with a silver spoon into their mouths whilst others have to work, get tired, to reach a certain point of this thing called happiness, a life where you didn't have to worry about whether there's going to be food on the table, a life where you can get anything you want, whenever you want, with just a snap of your fingers, a life where you live in luxury.

That wasn't the case for my mother and I, we did not live in luxury, we don't have people rushing to our needs, it's actually the other way around, we are the ones rushing to them.

For as long as I remember, it was only her and I, we lived in a small house, we had one bedroom, a living room, a kitchen and one bathroom. Mother was already struggling with her job, and of course, as her daughter, I wanted to help, so I got myself a job, or two.

A tap on my shoulder woke me up from the deep sleep I was in, I quickly sat up and looked at my mom, then grabbed my phone looking at the time, it was only 4:30 am, I sighed in relief "I thought I was late" I breathed out and she shook her head.

I'm going to work, she signed to me and I nodded my head. My mom was deaf, she thought me sign language when I was still a kid, my mom having a speech deficiency, made it hard for her to find a job, and she had an amazing cooking skill, yet no one would take her, the only job that she's doing now, is being a maid.

I leaned backwards onto the wall,.and scrolled through my phone, I searched for my sister's name and called her.

"Jen?" I spoke once she answered.

"Jamie! How are you?" she asked so cheerfully.

"I'm great, how's England? Are you studying well?" Jen left for England because she apparently got a scholarship to one of their universities, I was so jealous.

"it's really good, hey, I have to go" She hung up before I could even reply.

That girl..

I stood up and stretched my arm letting out a yawn, I got dressed and made my way to my first job, I worked as a waitress in this well known coffee shop in Rosewood. The Sweetbrew.

"Jamie!" My manager shouted making me flinch, he always did that, even though I was literally beside him.

"Yes?" I asked and he shook his head walking away, I raised both my brows before smiling slightly, he was a weird one.

I picked up one of the trays and went around picking up the cups that we're left behind, throwing them away into the bin afterwards.

Time passed way too quickly and it was already 1 pm, I removed my apron and went directly to my other job where I worked as a delivery guy, or girl.

I changed into my uniform and the moment I walked in I got a note, telling me to deliver someone's food, I grabbed the bag and went out.

I pushed open the door of what seemed like a motorcycle shop and placed the food in front "That will be 30" I said and he gave me his card "Thank you" I chanted walking away.

It was about 9 pm when I came home, the lights were turned off indicating my mom was either sleeping or didn't come home yet. I went to check our bedroom and no one was in.

I walked towards the kitchen and looked through the fridge, what are we going to eat?

Just then, the front door opened and in came my mom with a large bag, I brought food, she signed and I sighed.

The table in front of us was filled, there was pasta, chicken, vegetables, soup.

Madam didn't want them, she signed and shook my head

"So what are we? A trash can?" I replied

Please be nice, you should be glad we have food.

"She's nice for giving us this but I'm not going to eat" i replied and she glared

You're so stubborn

"I'm not mom! You know very well I want to take care of us, enjoy your meal" I stood up and went inside the room, sitting on the bed with my books.

I wasn't mad at my mother, I just hate the fact that to her employer we were some charity case, whenever she didn't want something, she would give it to us, and if only she treated my mom with kindness and goodness then maybe I wouldn't be so bitter about it.

How lucky was Jen? She left me here to deal with all of this, I'm only 17 and I'm already working my ass off for my mom, while she doesn't do anything, all she does is call when she needs money. If I don't call her first, she wouldn't have bothered.

I hated this, I always wondered why me? Why our family? What have we done to deserve a life like this? A life where we couldn't rest, I didn't want this life, but I know mom didn't either, I knew she was working for me, to provide for me.

The door opened and i turned around, facing the wall.

"I'm still not eating" I said and she grabbed me by the shoulder turning me around.

"hey!" i yelled and sighed.

please understand me.

"I hate this mom! Why must we work hard whilst Jen doesn't do anything?" I asked tears swelling up in my eyes "Why did she leave me to deal with this!".

i'm trying hard, you know I am, but you know with my condition, people aren't going to hire me, I can't look for another job.

"It isn't my fault that you were born deaf" I said way too quickly without even thinking.

Her face dropped and I instantly regretted it, Is it my fault then?

"i'm sorry, I didn't mean it" I whispered, dropping my head, "I'm just tired, mom"

She lifted my head using her index finger and wiped my tears.

I know you are, and I'm sorry.

"You just wait, mom, I'll give you everything when I grow up" I told her smiling.

Good, Let's eat.

"No, I don't want to, you eat, I'll do my homework" I grabbed my textbook and pen then gave her a quick hug.

She nodded her head and stood up closing the door behind her, I sighed grabbing my phone opening the Facebook app when I heard a ding.

Felix Owen commented on your photo.

I smiled and opened the notification that lead me straight to that comment.

Felix Owen Aren't I gorgeous in this picture?

I've been friends with Felix for more than 10 years, he in fact is my best friend. I shook my head and typed in a response.

Jamie Winters hmmm, not really.

Felix Owen What do you mean not really? Am hurt.

Jamie Winters You'll get over it

Felix Owen Calling you!

I arched my brow when I saw his name pop up, I took a few seconds before answering it "What?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Well aren't you a ray of sunshine" he replied and I rolled my eyes.

"Did Zoë call yet?"

"You know she did the moment I commented, isn't she just the cutest thing?" He gushed

"And let me guess, you didn't answer"

"Nope" he said popping the 'p'

"Well aren't you the best boyfriend ever" I joked

"You know I am"

"You know what? I'm hanging up, bye!"

I closed my phone and looked down at the textbook on my lap, I have a goal, and that goal was to study, get my diploma, get a wonderful job and pay back for everything my mom did.

And I was going to do that, one way or another.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2016 ⏰

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