GeekChic: Complaining

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"Why does he have to be so oblivious?!" Serena complained for the hundredth time.
"Mmhmm..." I muttered as I scooped some soup in a bowl for her.
"I mean, aren't I obvious? It's obvious, right? Clement, tell me I'm obvious!" She says, almost spilling the soup.
"You're obvious. Now eat your soup" I said and handed her the bowl.

I'm so used to her complaining to me about a certain Pokemon trainer that sometimes, I wish I could just tune her out but I can't. I like her. Not that she would care. She's too hung up over a handkerchief that he gave her when they were five.

"Good. I thought I was paranoid." She sighed and sipped some soup.
"Serena...h-have you considered...someone other than Ash?" I asked, trying to get her to realize that I liked her.
"Who else is there?" She asked.

I know she was barely listening to me. She only paid attention to Ash and Bonnie. I was just some science geek that was traveling with her.

"Um w-well there's m-"
"Hey, guys! We're back!" Bonnie's shrill voice shouted and I flinched, causing the ladle to fall into the soup.
"Great..." I mumbled.
"Ash!" Serena squeals and goes up to him. "Did you find any new Pokemon?"
He scratched his head, awkwardly, and smiled. "No but I did almost fall off a cliff."
"A cliff?! Are you hurt?!" Serena asked and looked him over.
"I saved him!" Bonnie said, excitedly.

Serena glances at her like she just remembered we were here.

"Oh Bonnie! Thank goodness you saved him!" She said and hugged Bonnie until her face was turning blue.

She turned back to Ash and batted her eyelashes.

"I'm just glad you're all right." She said, ever so innocently.

Bonnie and I fake gag. Oh we like Serena, just sometimes, her 'little' crush on Ash gets a bit too...dramatic.

Sometimes, I'm thankful for Ash's oblivion.

"Thanks! Hey, clement! Did you make this? It smells great!" Ash says, unknowingly brushing her off and her face fell.

"Yea, here." I say and hand him a big bowl of my dumpling soup. I had a special bowl just for him because his stomach is like a void, I swear. He's always hungry.

"So, Ash? Is it good? I helped Clement with it!" Serena said, batting her eyelashes again, trying to get his attention.

She most certainly did not help me. Her talent was baking but I didn't say anything. She'd kill me if I ruined any moment with Ash.

I sigh and hand Bonnie a bowl. She looks at me, sympathetically. She knows that I like Serena and that I can't get her out of my head. I wish I could, I really do. When we do get some time alone, it's always Ash this and Ash that.

"I'm going for a walk." I mutter and Bonnie nods.
"Where you going, Clement?" Ash calls out.
"Just on a walk." I say.
"I'll come with you!" He said and slurps up the last of his dumplings.
"W-Wait! Ash, wanna try some of my macaroons?" Serena panicked.

Ash stopped when he heard macaroons. I don't blame him. We all liked her macaroons. Heck, even my Pokemon went crazy for them.

"Um I'll be there in a minute, Clement!" Ash called and I sighed.

Serena would just keep tempting him back with her baked goods. I went ahead knowing that Ash would never be able to resist food.

The cool breeze pushed against my face as I walked to a nearby lake.

I just sat at the water's edge and sighed. I was alone. With my thoughts. That was nice, right?

My thoughts turned back to the year that I'd spent with Serena and Ash on this journey. I gave up my gym leadership for what? Following an oblivious Pokemon trainer and a girl who wouldn't give me the light of day? I could've rose to the top and been the greatest Electric Gym Leader!

But it's my fault, I know. Bonnie and I both wanted an adventure and what else is better an adventure than a Pokemon journey?

"Clement! Clement!" Ash ran up to me and plopped himself down, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Oh hey, Ash." I said and looked down at the glittering blue water.
"So, how're you and Serena?" He asked.

I looked at him, surprised, and he smirks as he looked down at the water.

"What? You thought I didn't know?" He asked and I nodded.
"I know a little about how people act when they're in love." He said, his face hurt.
"Really? So you know?" I prompted.
"That you like Serena? Yea."
"No I mean, did you know she likes you?"

Now it was his turn to stare at me, surprised.

"R-really?" He asked.
"Yes." I sighed. If Ash wasn't my friend, I would've slapped him.
"Ah..." That's all he said.

We stared at the water some more until I heard him clear his throat.

"I feel bad I...never noticed. Oh jeez...this is just like five years ago..." He muttered.
"What?" I asked.
"Is she traveling with us because she likes me?" He asked and I nodded. He sighed.
"You see, there was this girl who followed me for years and I thought it was because she wanted me to repay her bike. I...I never knew she liked me..." Regret filled his eyes and I felt bad for him.
"Did...did you like her?" I asked.

I heard a soft gasp from the bushes. I knew who it was.

"Did she leave you?" I asked, trying to focus on him.
"Yea, she went back to her hometown and when she left, she told me how she felt. I was just a kid...I didn't know she was into me. It was news to me and I just stared at her like an idiot while she disappeared into the sunset. I tried to go to her but everytime I was there, she wasn't. I haven't seen her in years...I miss her..." He said.

"Why don't you try to contact her? Maybe she was just too embarrassed to see you." I suggested and his eyes lit up.
"L-Like a video call?" He asked
"There's a Pokemon center near here. Take Bonnie with you." I said.
"Thanks, Clement!" He said and ran off, excited of seeing his friend again.

When he was gone, I got up and pulled away the bushes. Serena fell back into my lap, her face streaked with tears.

"He likes someone else! How could I be so stupid?!" She cried into my lap.

I stroke her hair and resist the urge to just hold it.

"H-He didn't *hic* even n-notice *hic*!" She exclaimed, hiccuping.
"I did say there was other guys." I said.

She sat up and glared at me. "Who, Clement?! Who would like me?! I spent a year hoping Ash would notice me but he didn't! I wasted a year with him and he liked someone all along! I'm not even the best contest competitor because I'm obsessed!

I touched her shoulder lightly and she jumped.

"Serena..." I whisper.
"What?" She snapped
"I was just thinking..." I muttered. She looked at me curiosity.
"Thinking about what?" She asked.
"That maybe if you weren't so focused on'd see that there was someone that wasted their life following you because they love you..." I mumbled, a red tint creeping across my face.
"W-What do you mean?" She asked.

The thought of someone other than Ash liking her startled her so much that she hadn't even thought about it.

"I like you, Serena." I whisper.
"You?!" She exclaims. My heart is already breaking from the horror in her voice

She puts her hands on my cheeks and all I see in her eyes were sadness.

"Oh, Clement! I-I never knew!"
"I...must've made you feel bad when I complained about Ash to you..."

She pulled away and we say in front of each other. We awkwardly say there, avoiding each other.

"Clement...I'll be honest." She said, breaking the silence. I braced myself for the wave of hurt.
"I only thought of you as a friend but n-now that I've thought about it, you were always there for me. It wasn't was you." She whispered.

My heart was swelling.

"What..." I asked.
"I like you, Clement. Thank you for being there for me." She said.

I was about to say something when she stopped me with a kiss.

Ok so I'm sorry for ruining Kalos and amourshipping for anyone. I haven't really watched the Kalos one but I will soon so I can't get caught up! This took me so long to write lol

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