Chapter One

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Chapter One



"I dare you to court a girl..wait no.. not any girl.. I dare you to court... Ashlyn Evans." My best friend who will become a pulp any second now said.

"Are you fu--," I got cut off by my annoying best friend's voice.

"Ey. Ey. Ey." He waggled a finger at me like I'm a 5 year old being scolded by her mommy. "Language honey. And is little Chasey Wasey afraid of not being able to court a girl?" He said in a baby voice. Honey. See! Point exactly.

"Yeah that will be your voice when I beat you to a pulp." I smirked. Ha!

"Ha. We both know that you can't take down this." He gestured to his muscles. Ok.. Maybe he's right.. He's built like a hulk. Again.. Like a hulk. I'm not that extreme. Yeah sure I have muscles and all that but not that much to look like a hulk.

"Again. Tell me how a game of Truth or Dare turned to a conversation about me courting Ashlyn and then to a conversation about muscles?" I asked.

"Well.. You see.. You picked dare when I asked you Truth or Dare. So I came up with a dare for you. It was to--" I cut him off before I have to serve his head on a silver platter.

"Enough! I got that! Ugh. Did anyone ever tell you how annoying you are?" Seriously! I bet more than a few people have told him that. It was just a known fact. Annoying.. But awesome.. But not as much as me. Huh. Ain't I a hypocrite? I'm annoying too (and awesome too, don't forget) and I'm criticizing my best friend.

"So I have been told," He grinned. "So back to the dare... I dare you to court Ashlyn for 2 months. A.k.a. You have to court a hard-to-get, extremely gorgeous, innocent, smart, etc. girl for 2 months. You're lucky you get 2 months and not one because I know she's an extremely hard-to-get girl. Oh yeah.. And you have to dump her when she agrees to be your girlfriend. Unless, you develop romantic feelings towards her then you can just continue dating her." He finished. I wonder if he ever dared this type of dare to someone else already..

"But isn't that too cruel? I don't want to break any girl's heart." I said. Yeah I might appear as a player. not a man-whore! Big difference between them k? Truth is I'm still a virgin, I've only been in one relationship so far, yeah I flirt with tons of girls (like c'mon who can resist my charm and looks. Oh wait.. Ashlyn that's who) but I don't sleep around. I don't do those one night stands shit. Guys who do that are just heartless.

"Hey! Are you even listening to what I'm saying?" Trent (my best friend ) asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah. Sorry. Daydreams." I spoke. He just smirked.

"About me? Gee man.. I'm flattered and all.. But I have to say that I'm straight.. Sorry dude." He said smugly. Damn him. Ha. He thought I would just shove him and say shut up? Nah. He's wrong alright.

"Oh yah. I do daydream about you a lot. Yes I tend to do that a lot Trent. I.. Have to tell you something..." I said with a straight face. Man, my acting skills are better than I thought because he masked a face of horror. "I... Dream about chopping your head into little pieces and feeding them to the zoo animals." I smirked. Hahahahah.

His jaw dropped but he quickly composed himself. "At least I still have my sexy body. So it's all alright." Wow. I thought he was going to give me a good comeback but guess not.

"Sexy body?" I choked out in laughter. "Ok, whatever helps you sleep at night bro." I patted his back jokingly.

"Shut up. My body is sexier than yours. In fact my body is beyond sexy." He grinned.

"Dude get out of the hallway." I shook my head. He looked confused.

"Huh? What? Why?" He questioned. I smirked before saying, "Because you're taking up the whole hallway with your big ego."

"Whatever. At least my ego is sexy. And you're going to start courting Ashlyn today." He smirked back.

"Dude seriously? You're impossible. And ok sure." I said. Courting Ashlyn? Adventure time. It'll be easy. Yeah I know I would have to break her heart in the end but what can I do? I have to do my fair share of the dare. Yeah that's it. I have no choice. She'll get over it and I will too.

"Let's go to first period before the teacher gives us detention. We can't afford another one." Trent ushered us into the classroom. Ok. Lets do this!


"Class, please sit down. I have an announcement to make." Our History teacher Mrs. Thompson ordered. Out of all the teachers in this building, she was my favorite teacher. I am a bad boy (technically I am) but I still managed to maintain my grades. Don't under estimate me. My IQ is pretty least that's what my grades scream.

"Since it's near the end of the year, I'll simmer your work down so today I will assign you an easy project," She started. The whole class groaned at the word 'project'. Great! It's almost summer and she said she'll simmer down the work so now she's giving us a damn project. Yeah. Simmer down the work my ass.

"Hey class don't groan! I didn't get to finish my announcement!" She said. "You will be working in pairs for this project. It is very easy kids. All you will be doing is writing down your opinions about each other. You will describe them using adjectives. I expect it to be at least 2 paragraphs. More will be even better. The more the better your grade will be. I'll begin picking your partners. If I let you guys pick your partners, this project won't be effective. You might already know everything about your best friend. Oh and it'll be boy-girl! Understand?" Mrs. Thompson glanced around the class for hands.

"Good. Ok. Now...Lina and Trent, Cassidy.. (by the way she is the biggest slut in our school so I feel really bad for the boy who gets her. Unless he doesn't care as long as he gets sex.) and Noah.." Oh god... Noah as in Noah Hampton as in one of my best friends?? Hm.. wait nevermind Noah is like Trent. They're both man-whores. No offense or anything. They're man-whores but not me. I'm just a flirt and a player. But aside from their hobbies they're the greatest friends a man can ask for. I just hope Cassidy won't use Noah to flirt with me..ew... she can't take hints that I don't want her. Spells out s-l-u-t.

"Asher and Ariel...", Another one of my best friends. The Four Sex-Gods as the whole school would portray us as. Yeah I'm famous haha. Oh I'm a sex-god. Wow... I have tons of fans. But they're so annoying. If they weren't girls I'd of punched the living daylights out of them. Can you believe some girls tried to rip our clothes off?? Man that's sick! Yeah it's funny how they're practically eye raping us but still...their lust filled eyes are creepy I tell you! It's got our little members down there excited (again I tell you..I'm a virgin but no one knows that. I'm saving it for someone special who will one day sweep me off my feet. Yes my bulge gets big every time I see a sexy girl and stuff but I won't go farther than making out.)

"Last but not least... Chase and Ashlyn." Mrs. Thompson smiled. I snuck a quick glance at Ashlyn to see her reaction. I thought she would just shake her head in disgust but she was actually gagging! She was choking on air and it looks like she's going to puke any second now! Oh joy! I'm trying to woo her then court/date her and look how it's starting! Bad. Can't she just make this easy for me? Sigh. Then it clicked. Oh yeah!! I flirt with a ton of girls every day and I'm 1/4 of The Four Sex-Gods so of course she thinks I'm a man-whore! B-b-b-but I'm not a man-whore! Oh wells.. I just have to make her believe that I'm not a man-whore. Challenge accepted. As I finished my train of thought, Ashlyn glanced over at me. Did I mention that she sits next to me? Score.

"Now that you guys got paired already, I'd like you to meet up with your partners anywhere after school to discuss the project and know each other. When you're done your report you'll have to present it to the class. It'll be due in 3 weeks. Have fun guys! Class is dismissed!" She said happily. I'm guessing she's happy to get rid of us.

I threw my books in my bag quickly to catch up with my three best friends to discuss 'the dare'. As I rushed to the door I bumped into someone. I looked up and my breath got caught in my throat. Oh no. Gulp.


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