Chapter 2

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Once Brie had gotten into the ring, Jillian started to announce us. "The following match is scheduled for a one fall. Introducing first from New York City, Paula Heyman."

Jillian paused a moment before continuing. "And her opponent, from Scottsdale, Arizona, Brie Bella."

The bell rang and brie and I locked up. I managed to grab her head and turn our backs towards each other. I hit her with a backbreaker.

As she was on the ground, I slammed her head onto the mat. I helped her up and hit her with a belly-to-belly suplex.

I went for the early pin but Brie kicked out at one and a half.

She started to punch me and she drove me in the corner. She backed away and started charging towards me. I used the ropes to kick Brie with both feet on her chest. I went for the top ropes and hit her with a frog splash.

I helped her up again and went for a butterfly suplex this time. I think it was time for my finisher the FKO (Flying Knock Out). It was basically an F5 and an RKO in one. First the F5 and when my opponent was off my shoulder, I added force to the fall they made with an RKO.

"Oh my! What a move!" I heard Michael Cole scream at commentary.

I went for the cover.

The bell rang and my theme came on.

"Here's your winner by pinfall, Paula Heyman!" Jillian announced.

Brie rolled out of the ring as my father came to raise my hand in victory.

Brock's music hits and caught me and my dad by surprise. He came out and raised my hand.

"Brock what are you doing here?" I asked him in a way only he could hear me.

"You really think I wasn't going to watch your first match or congratulate you when you won?" He asked me. "Course I'm here for you."

"Thanks." I said and I gave him a smile.

After celebrating for two more minutes, we went backstage.

"Brock you weren't supposed to get out there!" My dad yelled.

"Dad cut it off, Brock was just out there to congratulate me." I defended him.

"No, I won't cut it off Paula. Brock, you have to think about your reputation." He said more calmly this time.

"I'm sorry Paul I was just caught up in the moment when I saw Paula win her first match. It won't happen again." He apologized.

"Please dad, let it slide." I sighed.

"Fine I'll let it slide, this time." My dad finally gave in and he walked away.

He always did eventually since my dad always gave me what I wanted. Yes, I was extremely spoiled but I didn't like taking advantage of it. I never asked for stuff because I liked to feel like I've worked for the things I have.

"Thanks for saving my ass." Brock said to me.

"No problem, that's what friends are for right?" I smiled at him.

"Hey Paula, awesome match you had there." Sasha said while walking up to me and Brock.

"Thanks, that means a lot coming from 'the boss'." I said referring to her nickname. She was a great athlete so it was nice to hear that I did well from someone like her.

"No really you need to teach me that FKO of you sometime." She complimented.

Brock started to cough, bringing my attention back to him.

"Oh, how rude of me, Sasha have you met my friend Brock?" I asked her.

"No not really." She said blushing a little.

"Brock meet my friend Sasha." I said to him.

"Hey Sasha, nice to meet you." He said smiling. He really wasn't such a bad guy once you got to know him.

"Nice to meet you too Brock." She said while returning a smile. It was pretty obvious that they liked each other, even if they wouldn't admit to it yet.

"So, Paula, me and my friend Becky wanted to ask you if you would like to hang out with us." Sasha turned to me once she snapped her attention back to the present.

"Yeah, sounds fun. Let me go tell my dad." I agreed and turned to brock "I guess I'll see you later. Once again thanks for coming out there. That meant a lot."

"Sure, thing Paula, now go have fun."

Sasha and I went to go look for my dad. My dad did a lot backstage, he was always running around and keeping himself busy all night long. After five minutes of searching, I saw him walking out of Triple H his office.

"Hey dad!" I called out as I walked up to him with Sasha following suit.

"Princess, what can I do for you? Did you need anything?" He asked me.

"Dad I'd like you to meet Sasha. Sash, meet my father." I introduced them to each other.

"Hello Mr. Heyman." Sasha smiled politely while offering my dad her hand.

"Nice to meet you miss. Banks." My dad replied with a kind smile as he shook her hand.

"So, Sasha asked if I wanted to hang out with her and her friend Becky. Is it okay with you if I go?" I asked him.

"Sure, I'm glad you are making friends. And Paula when are you going to learn that you don't have to come to me for everything?" He smiled at me. "You're 25. I trust you."

"Thanks dad." I said while giving him a hug.

"Oh, wait a second. Paula, we need to get you a hotel room first." He reminded me.

"That's okay Becky and I have a third bed at our hotel room so you can stay with us if you like." Sasha offered.

"I would ask but you just told me to stop asking everything." I chuckled as I looked at my dad. "I will see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah, I'll see you later princess. But call me when you wake up tomorrow."

"I promise, bye daddy." I replied to him before walking of with Sasha.

"Hey Becks!" Sasha shouted at the orange haired woman that waited for us.

"Hey Sash." She said while giving her friend a hug. After that she turned to me and offered me her hand. "You must be Paula."

"Yes, I am. You must be Becky." I replied as I shook her hand.

"I hope you don't mind but I invited Paula to stay with us." Sasha told Becky.

"I don't mind at all lass. It could be fun." Becky ensured her.

"So, let's grab our stuff and go." Sasha said and Becky and me followed her.

These girls seemed to be a lot of fun, I guess only time will tell. 

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