Chapter 15: Endgame

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     "Wolfpack!" We heard the Grand Master shout from across the dirt road in front of us. We all looked at him as he seemed to just walk along the road. "You've made a sort of name for yourself in the past year! I respect that, that's an admirable trait." The Grand Master walked closer to us, only he seemed different. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt instead of his normal business style suit top, his pants looked loose and more comfortable to fight in. Jace tilted his head to the side and cracked his neck, then performed the same action on the other side of his neck.

     "Let's just get this show on the road already!" Jace shouted at the Grand Master. "But we should warn you, we have more skills up our sleeves than you last remember!" Jace started to walk forward toward the Grand Master, and Fang balled up his fists, following behind Jace. Blake looked at me and walked after them, then I pulled my hood over my head and followed.

     "You're not the only one with surprises, children." The Grand Master smirked, then started picking up the pace towards us. This made Jace start to jog, then quickly the two started sprinting at each other. Jace balled up his fist and his fist turned into something resembling a sledgehammer. He jumped over the Grand Master and threw his fist down toward his head. The Grand Master simply blocked it with both his hands, making Jace struggle to make his fist hit him. The Grand Master swept Jace's legs from under him and Jace fell onto his side. "Did you really think that amateur style attack would actually hit me?" The Grand Master turned back around, only to be met by Fang's Parasitical covered fist to the Grand Master's face. The Grand Master stumbled back and tripped over Jace's body.

     Fang helped Jace stand and the two looked at the Grand Master. "So, when's the real fight start?" Jace asked the Grand Master, who quickly stood back up. He then quickly moved toward the both of them and kicked Fang in the gut, the parasites not able to register the attack in time. He then punched Jace in the throat and Jace stumbled back, holding his neck. Fang tried to send a punch to the Grand Master, but he grabbed Fang's fist and sent his fist into his head, but the Parasites kept up. "Your symbiotes are an excellent defensive armor," The Grand Master said as he sent a punch after every other word. "But any armor can be broken!" As he said this, the Parasites broke away from Fang's face and the Grand Master sent his elbow into Fang's head, then backhanded him away like Fang weighed less than a feather.

     Blake went to help Fang up while the Grand Master moved to Jace, who was already back on both feet and charging at the Grand Master. I rushed behind the Grand Master while Jace had his attention, and before the Grand Master could attack, I sliced the back of his leg with a hidden blade from my gauntlet and got the GM's attention. I blocked several punches he sent my way, and Jace tackled him to the ground. He sent several punches to the GM's face and picked him up by his neck. He let go of his neck, and Jace sent a punch to his gut. The GM fell to his hands and knees , but stood back up.

     "What's the matter, GM? This isn't much of a fight compared to last time. Old age hitting you, old man?" Jace asked him as the GM growled.

     "Alright. No more Mr. Nice Guy." The GM pulled out a blade and sliced Jace in the stomach quickly, kicking him away. He looked to me and kicked my right leg from under me, making me kneel on my left as he sent his blade down towards me. I blocked it with my hidden blade and shot my other blade out, sending it into his shin. He fell to a knee and we both fought while kneeling across from each other. Both my blades blocked his blade as he pushed it towards my face. "You're just kids. Do you really think you can stop me from defeating you?" The GM asked me as he kept pushing his blade towards me. I pushed back and stood back up.

     "Yeah. We really do." My blades formed the X that kept the GM's blade a bay, so I pulled them back and the blade flew out of the GM's hand. I slashed the GM's arm with a blade and he rolled away, standing back up.

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