"Where are you now that i need you"pt.2(chapter-7)

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Hellow my blueberrys heres another chappy for you guys and I hole you enjoy.plese vote and comment and I will see you guys later.

This chappy is dedicated to _pokemon1o_advanced thanks a million for all your support I can't say it enough


*same morning*

(Gajeels pov)

"jeel....ajeel.....GAJEEL" shouted the small black cat.I woke up from my deep sleep and looked at my exceed."what do ya want Lilly,the kiwis are in the fridge if that's what your gunna ask" I said as I pulled the covers up and over my head."1. I just finished eating those and 2.you need to get up, you can't keep mopeing around like this and sleeping in" said Lilly as he pulled the sheet from off of me.

"Watch me" I grunted and pulled the sheet back over me and shut my eyes."*sigh* look gajeel I know that you've been upset ever since master told us what had happened to levy and the other girls,I am to but you can't go on like this you know" he said as he sat beside me on my bed.

Warm tears started to stream down my face.damnit I know he's right it's just......it's just that I dont know how to stop thinking about her.I sniffled.shit...I hope he didn't hear that."gajeel you don't have to hide it...I know your crying and theres nothing to be ashamed of everybody cries at one point in their life" said lilly as he patted my back.damnit.

"Fine....I'll come out" I said as I wiped the tears away,pulled back the covers and sat up in the bed."Lilly I really just need to talk to someone...but dont tell anyone, it's bad enough that I was crying ok" I said as I looked away from the black exceed."ever since I found out about shrimp....my heart hasn't stopped hurting..the only this that eases the pain is when I'm reading the book that she gave me...why does that happen?"

"Gajeel...I can't tell you why...you need to figure it our your self...but when you do figure it out the pain may get worse or subside depends on how you take it"Lilly said. "Gee thanks for the help" I said sarcasticly."ok ok fine, all I'm going to tell you is that you already know how she feels about you....so how do you feel about her" said lilly As he hopped off of my bed.

"Go take a shower we're going to go on a mission to take your mind off her for a while" said Lilly."Lilly I don't feel like it....I....I don't have a reason to go anymore....theres no reason for me to go out if I'm not going to have the shrimp with me" I said as a traior tear left my eye.

"Gajeel come on you know eell enough that levy wouldnt want you to stay here all day and mope she would want you too go out and have fun and just be your regular idiotic self" said Lilly while flying over to me.I chuckled a bit."thanks...I really mean it" I said as I got up and went towards my bathroom.

I took off my clothes and turned on the shower. the warm spary hit my head and trickled down to my long shaggy hair.I started to cry but i didn't notice until I sniffeled.

Why am I crying.....I don't get it... I miss shrimp and all and I was really sad when master announced what happened to her....but I still don't get it.my heart started to ach. Ach....what just happened....why does my heart hurt so much when I think of her.....why do I want to see her sweet smile just once more......and feel her soft lips on mine again.....this is all so confusing.....so all I know is I want to....be with her.then it hit me...and hard to.I get it i-i finaly get it...I want to see her smile,to hold her in my arms....to feel her soft lips on one again...because I.....I love her.

shit....shit...shit!...SHIT.....why am I so stupid....why didn't I get it before.I punched the wall.shrimp....i-im so sorry I made you wait.....and now*sob*....now it's to late......sh-levy why would you love someone as stupid as me....I couldn't even figure out my feelings....I'm so sorry...I need you by my side.....FUCK...why did the world take it's angle away so soon...why did you leave me....I need you now more than ever.....I love you.

"I'm so sorry levy...I couldn't figure it out in time....please....please forgive me."I whispered to myself.

*same morning*

(Jellals pov)

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring.I really dont want to get up today.I tried hit the snooze button on my alarm.when my arm made contract with nothing but air I looked up.what th-Mira!my alarm clock was all the way on the other side of my room. damnit Mira I don't want to get I up but I can't go back to bed with the damn thing blaring like that! I sighed and got up aae walked over to it.

I smacked the alarm and it finally shut up.I walked back over to my bed and collapsed on it.gee Mira thanks a lot.i tried to close my eyes but every time i do just see her leaving me again."*sigh* I can't stop thinking about you Erza" I whispered to my self.I sat back up on the bed.

As I was sitting up the sword that Erza gave me cought my eye.I walked over to it and picked it up.

A sad smile formed on my face as a tear streamed down his face.I thumbed over the handle where it had been ingraved 'I love you'."I love you to"I whispered as I kissed the handle and walked over to my bed with it.I already knew I loved you but I-I didn't have the guts to tell you when you confessed.

More warm tears flowed from my eyes."I'm so sorry Erza.....it's all my fault your gone.....I should have told you....I'm sorry.... you left me twice now and this time your not coming back to me".my tears fell on to the sword as I cried."I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner....I....i was just afraid that you didn't feel the same way....but when you confessed to me i-i just froze....and befor I knew it you had already been taken away from me...I'm so sorry......please for give me...I-I was so stupid...please Erza, where ever you are"I said as I clutchedthe sword to my chest.


Hellow sorry for it being so short but it was kind of hard to do gajeels realization cause he like doesn't have a sensitive bone in his body and jellal already knew he loved Erza but he was just frozen in shock When she confessed.any way I'll post again on he week ends and it will be a bit long not Monday cause I don't have any time sorry about that (^_^).hope you guys enjoyed this chapp and Until next time my blueberrys


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