Chapter Four: Price You Pay

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Ratscar POV

I sighed wearily as a patrol of WindClan warriors charged into our camp. If WindClan was attacking us, that meant ThunderClan would likely follow soon. Just as the wounds from the last battle were just beginning to heal, of course Bumblestar and Ashstar were ready to fight again.

To my surprise, the WindClan cats did not attack. Instead, they simply formed a line in front of the camp entrance. Perhaps this wasn't an attack?

Ashstar stepped forward. "Well, ShadowClan, you have a choice. You can join our alliance, or you can surrender all of your territory and be held hostage in your own camp. I can assure you, no ShadowClan cat will be entering or leaving this camp until this is settled."

I snarled with outrage. "ShadowClan will never surrender or partner with rogues!"

Yowls of agreement echoed across the clearing. I was glad to see that my Clan supported me. I just hoped that Rowanstar wouldn't give in. We could not allow fear to control us.

Rowanstar approached Ashstar, narrowing his eyes. "ShadowClan never wanted a war with either of your Clans, but if a war is what you want, then that is what you will get."

"I do not wish for war. All I want is to make my Clan stronger, and any path that helps that is the one I will choose to take," Ashstar responded.

"Have you gone completely mad?!" Rowanstar hissed. "How does bloodshed and death help any of the Clans?"

Ashstar waved her tail indifferently. "It's the price you pay."

"What is that even supposed to mean?!" Rowanstar spat.

"The cost of greatness was always high," Ashstar replied. "But it is a price that my Clan and I are willing to pay. One day, WindClan will be respected."

Rowanstar shook his head in disgust. "Greatness and violence are two very different things. Greatness is found in knowing when to fight and also when to compromise, and sometimes choosing to show compassion rather than anger. You will never be great, Ashstar; a fox is more worthy of the word than you."

Ashstar chuckled. "Brave words; an impressive speech, I must say. But you are quite a hypocrite, Rowanstar. If you believe in compassion, then why are you willing to kill innocent ThunderClan warriors?"

"Bumblestar must be killed. Any cats willing to protect him must suffer the same fate," Rowanstar replied.

"Would you not expect your own warriors to defend you as their leader?" Ashstar countered. "Molewhisker was not to blame for your troubles."

Rowanstar sighed. "Sometimes, innocent cats need to die to save the forest. It's for the greater good."

Ashstar nodded. "I completely agree with that statement. I suppose you understand why WindClan is here now?"

"There could be peace if you and Bumblestar would allow it. There is no need for any casualties today. StarClan would never approve of this," Rowanstar said.

"Our ancestors were brave enough to make difficult choices. I'm sure they understand. Now, I advise that you join us, but what is your choice?" Ashstar asked.

Bumblestar was an evil, heartless cat. ShadowClan could not ally with him! I would rather die than be on the same side as Bumblestar.

"Don't do it Rowanstar!" I shouted.

Rowanstar hesitated. "We'll join you, but I wish to go the ThunderClan camp to speak to Bumblestar."

Ashstar nodded. "Very well. My warriors will accompany us."

I watched in disbelief as Rowanstar walked up next to Ashstar. He couldn't just join them! I would've never thought our leader was a coward, but I was beginning to rethink that...

But then, without warning, Rowanstar sliced his claws across Ashstar's throat. Ashstar's eyes widened with surprise, and then her knees buckled. The WindClan leader fell lifeless on the ground. Rowanstar scampered backwards as furious WindClan warriors charged at him. "ShadowClan, attack!" Rowanstar yowled.

I charged forward with my Clanmates. ShadowClan would never give in to these Clans that were led by lunatics! This battle was about so much more than Clan rivalries; this was a war to protect StarClan, integrity, and the warrior code.

I unsheathed my claws and leapt at Harespring.

A/N: New chapter, yay! :) Please share your thoughts, I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for all of your support and for your patience, I truly appreciate it.

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