Chapter 6: Where were you??

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{Chrissy P.O.V}

I woke up with my phone ringing. I really need to get some friends who will not wake me up on a Saturday morning, but I didn’t really know who it was because I didn’t look at the caller I.D

Chrissy: Hello?

Messiah: Woke you up huh?

Chrissy: Yes

Messiah: How come you’re not here at work 

Chrissy: Because Today is my Day off like always

Messiah: I got called in

Chrissy: More pay and  Diamonds for me

Messiah: Your mom is worried about you

Chrissy: I know I’ll be home by this afternoon

Messiah: Ok

Chrissy: And Messiah

Messiah: Yes?

Chrissy: I know I’m your girl but don’t call me at 8:00am on a Saturday morning

Messiah: smirks Bye Babe

Chrissy: Bye

I hanged up the phone and walked downstairs

Chrissy: Hey you guys

Diamond: Hey Mommy

Jaden: Hey

Diamond: Are you staying for the whole day

Chrissy: I can’t really I have to go just now but If you want I can hang out with until 4:00

Diamond: Ok

We were in the pool all-day. Jaden dropped me home and my Mom was outside the house.

Chrissy: Hey Mom walking in the house

Cassidy: Had me worried sick and who is that

Chrissy: Jaden he is one of my friends

Cassidy: Well explain why you didn’t answer any of my calls

Chrissy: No you have some explaining to do. Why did you tell me I was pregnant with a baby girl

Cassidy: You were never pregnant

Chrissy: Yes with Ray

Cassidy: You had sex with your brother

Chrissy: No he raped me when I was 14

Cassidy: And I guess your friend Jaden told you that

Chrissy: Yea

Cassidy: Does he have a baby momma

Chrissy: No

Cassidy: Chrissy I think he is one of those boys who doesn’t have mommas for his baby and trick other girls who look like the baby

Chrissy: Why would Jaden do that he’s nice

 Cassidy: Don’t forget Messiah

Chrissy: Yea but that little girl is mine and you can’t say anything to make me feel like she isn’t

Cassidy: Ok then you’re not allowed to see them

Chrissy: Mom I’m 19 not 12 you can’t rule me

Cassidy: Then get out this house

Chrissy: Fine I’ll be looking for a place walking upstairs

{Cassidy P.O.V}

{On the phone}

Cassidy: Jaden is back in her life and Diamond I’m sure she knows Chris

???: Drug her again

Cassidy: I will not be drugging my daughter again Madison

Madison: Ok but If she knows she was pregnant she was but not with Diamond

Cassidy: With who

Madison: Messiah is the dad and it’s a baby boy name Nicolas

Cassidy: That’s sound believable I’ll talk to her

Madison: Thank you I can risk to have her go back to Chris

Cassidy:  Bye

Madison: Bye

Why does Madison Hate Chrissy and her family

Anyway you’ll have to read to find out

Twitter: @themainMSFT 

Changed it


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