Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning in my bed and my hair was a mess. And by the way my hair isnt actually straight its wavy i only straighten because it was New Years. Ugh... im so tired. I walked into the living room and for once i woke up early-ish it was 11:30. I made my self some breakfast i got cereal (Frosted Flakes). My parents were sleeping and my sister i think she's up but on her phone. I turned on the T.V and put on Adventure Time. I know its a little kid show well my sister says that but i dont say that because its a cartoon and cartoons are for everyone. I finally finish my food and went to my room and my sister was on her phone. I took out some clothes and it was rip jeans a white belly shirt and black shoes (There they are Above). I went to the bathroom and got dressed. I put on mascara and eye shadow and lip gloss. I took my gray sweater and put it over my head and brushed my hair and put it in a fishtale. "Amanda im going out to see my friends" "ok just come back home at a good time so you can start to pack" "k bye" "bye". Brianna left and texted the girls first (Jelisse,Arianna,Jarlene,Tiana) than the boys (Jessie,Mario,Casey). They had a group text:

Brianna=Bree Jelisse=Jelly Arianna=Ari Jarlene=JarJar Tiana=T.T Jessie=Jessica (we would give jessie a girl name bc it was funny so they call me brian) Mario=Poblo/Maria (we did the same with Mario and his name sa poblo bc we would use him as our horse) Casey=Cassidy (n well him to but we usaully call him his regular name).


Bree: Hey guys! Wanna go to the park n i have to tell u something very important

Jelly: hey n sure

Ari: ya y not

JarJar: ok

T.T: sure

Jessica: see u there

Poblo/Maria: ya sure i dont have any thing to do

Cassidy: yes ill go.

Bree: Mario u never have any thing to do! *Lol.*

Poblo/Maria: hey! Well... not all the time.

Bree: i know im just kidding i know u do things with ur life n go out n stuff like that.

Bree:see u guys at our little spot at the park! Lets see who gets there first. Bye Losers!

End of Conversation

I start to run real fast and im going to be there in 2 mins. I see jessie n he sees me we both give eachother a look like (im going to win face) we start to run as fast as we can and jessie is fast but im a little faster than him. Im about to have one step until i get in the park until... someone tackles me onto the groud. I open my eyes n i see that im bleeding. My jeans riped and i saw that a guy with dark brown hair, brown eyes and he had mucules thats for sure but ya he was on the floor to but he got up and he was fine. He saw me and he said "im really sorry,i didnt mean to tackle you i was trying to catch the football but it was heading write toards you so i tackled you." "Well u should of let the football hit me ive gotten hit by a football before, and thanks for the cut bub!" "Sorry about that ill get you a band aid." "No its ok just take me to the bench." "Ok." He gave me his hand and we walked to the bench. I was limping but it wasnt a bad limp and no i didn't cry. "Sorry again." "Its ok i forgive you." "You do!" " No, but ill forgive you if u get me a band aid and what tell me what your name is!" "Alright than, well my name is Jack Gilinsky but people call me jack g. And ill go get you your band aid be right back." "K" he leaves and im on the bench waiting. Jessie came over to me since he saw me on the bench. Hey why you on the bench we were wondering were you went and by the way you lost jarlene actually one. Thx i kinda figured that out along time ago. So what happen? Well i was runing because me and you were racing and some guy tackled me and i cut my self so he said he will get a band aid for me. WAIT! He TACKLED you! Ya but its ok i forgived him. Im ganna beat him up when he gets back. No jessie he said sorry and i forgived him and it was an accident he was throwing a football with his friends and it was heading towards me so he tried not to let it hit me so he tackled me and saved me. Oh ok well you should of have said that first. Ya well here he is. Jack came back and he had the band aids,alcohol, and some water. Hey Brianna im back with the stuff... uhh who dis? He was trying to be funny and i got it but i guess jessie didn't. Im Brianna's boyfriend and who are you?!! Umm, you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend?! I Dont he is lieing. This is my friend Jessie, jessie this is Jack the one i was talking about to you. And i gave Jessie the look that i wided my eyes and noded my head. Oh oh! Sorry i was just umm-- No No its ok if i was her friend and i knew her for a while i would do the same. Jack how did you know that me and jessie knew eachother for along time!? Because it just looks like you guys are really good friends and you know eachother since like pre-k or something. Well your close we knew eachother since kindergarten. How you know though? Jessie said. Well im a good guesser. Ok well enough talking brianna i have to put on the stuff. Oh ya. Jack puts on the alcohol and it stinged than he put water and finally the band aid. There it should be better now. Thx jack but i could of done it my self. Ya i know but i wanted to do it for you so you don't have to hurt the cut even more. Oh, ok than well thank you very much. No prob.And sorry for ripping your jeans even more. Nah its ok it looks even better i just tv have to wash them. Well than you got it all figured out. Uhh you guys Brianna remmber me im still here. Oh ya sorry. Jack its nice bumping into you but i called my friends to this park becasue i needed to tell them something very important so i got to go sadly, i could talk to you forever and you sound like a very nice guy but i have to go. Well ok than. Hey before yoy leave whats your name you bever told me. Oh ya i forgot to tell you my name, my name is Brianna. Brianna can i have your number?! Ya sure of course. We gave eachother our numbers and this is how it looked like:

Brianna 😙👅✌

Jack G. 😎💕

We both gave eachother a face. We laughed and than hugged goodbye. Jack left and it was just me and jessie. Brianna do you like him? No how can i, i just met him. (I lied to jessie and i felt a little gilty, i know i just met jack but i like him i cant help it. And plus jessie isnt my dad so he cant tell who i should date.) Oh ok i thought you liked him. Why you think i liked him for? Well because i thought you were flirting with him. Jessie you know i dont flrit i act like my self around boys even if i do like a boy i act like my self, you should know that by now. Oh i just forgot. We stayed quite the hole walk until we got there. *5mins later* Were here! I said. Ya i know, i kinda figured that out. Uhh what ever. There waiting. I saw all of my besties and i missed them so much. I gave everyone a hug and a huge smile. Everyone was talking about random things until my smile went into a frowney face because i just remmberedd why i texted them here. Hey guys. They all look at me in a confused way. Umm the reason why u texted you here was because i needed to tell you guys something. What is it Jarlene said. I dont know how to say this any way simpler but im mooving to California. They thought i was joking but i wasnt. Brianna stop joking around tell us what the real serious thing is Casey said. Im not joking around im actually mooving there. They belived me that time and they were upset. Why Brianna why are you mooving to Cali for. Jelisse said. Well because my dad got an upgrade on his job so he took it and its all the way over there. But brianna dont leave stay with your aunt or uncle or even a close friend! Arianna said. I cant i have to pack today and my dad got the tickets already. Im sorry you guys but im leaving. They all got sad and it was silent. I check my phone and see tnat its 3:30. I told them im leaving the park at 4:00 to pack. They said ok. We hanged out for the 30 mins and the last thing we did was we got some ice cream. After icecream i said goodbye to them and went home. I wasnt as sad as i thought i wa ganna be.I think its because it isnt the real day im leaving im leaving on Saturday so i got some time to spare with them. I went o my rrom and i gathered all my close that i sant to keep and my shoes too. The rest of the things i didnt want i just donated them. I finished and it took me at least 1 hour or 1hourand1/2.But iknow for sure it wasnt 2hours. I took a nap after and woke up by mu sister shaking me. Brianna dinner is on the table. I got out of bed and apeat what was on the tabls it was pizza and soda so j definitely eat it. I was stuffed so i out on my pjs,brushed my teeth/hair, and finally went to bed. I had an amazing day but even though i got tackled by a hot guy and got cut it was worth it. Ugh tomorrow is going to be hard.

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