"B...Burl...Buckl..." I murmured. "Silence!" It was a man, dressed all in white. Like an infirmary doctor. Or that is what they called them in the GBK. The GBK... I never knew how much that place meant to me. "You're with us now. Keep well and you will go far, fail us and you will be as good and as your friend... Bucky was it?" My heart jumped a beat when he said that. I could feel my blood boil everytime he even dared to as such open his mouth. "You disgust me, how dare you insult me with such accusations, I am not your toy neither am I your bomb. Don't treat me like one. I have seen things you wouldn't even dream of. I have had to fight my best friends Allow them to hurt me just so they were accepted as ideal. If you think you can hurt me then you will just be opening up old wounds." I whispered. He slowly neared to my face. I could see he was observing my every motion. "Sometimes old wounds hurt more than new ones!" He smugly stated. He didn't get through me that easily. "If you want to hurt me then go ahead, but you will only be walking into the trap for your downfall. Be weary of your word imbecile, you picked the wrong person to fight," I could feel my voice slowly returning to my body. Mentally I was ready, physically I had no idea. Only god knew what they'd done to me whilst I was out for the count.
Natasha Romanoff | Guns and Roses
ActionI could see the needle anticipating my skin, almost as if it mocked me. Everything I had been through over the last month, but they couldn't resist. They need me, more than ever now. And if this the only way, they will surely take the bargain.