I Don't Need A Hero [Tony Stark

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Your annoyance is showing on your face as you walk into the tall skyscraper; ignoring the doorman as he calls out his greeting; stalking into the sleek elevator as you stab the button to the penthouse. Muttering angrily under your breath as you tap your foot against the glass of the elevator floor. 

"Tony fucking Stark!" You yell as the elevator finally opens with a quiet whoosh. "Right here cupcake" Comes that grating voice as he slowly walks from a long hallway. "What's wrong?" He smirks, looking at you with innocent eyes as you fume. 

"You!" You seethe, "You're whats wrong. How dare you!" You yell; fighting the urge to punch the annoying smirk from his handsome face. 

"And what exactly did I do?" He asks as he flops on the couch; patting the cushion next to him. 

"You got him fired?! What the hell is your problem?!" 

"Well" He starts as he causally grabs a drink from the glass table in front of him "I looked at his file. He was really replaceable don't you think?" 

"This wasn't about him. It was about you and your fucking jealously" Ignoring his protest you continue on. "This was about me going out with him on a date. This was about your childishness and your selfishness. You didn't think about me, and what I wanted. . ."

"How dare-"

"This was about what Tony Stark wanted and how-"

"Don't accuse me of-"

"Tony Stark, didn't care about anyone's feelings but his own-"

"I did this for you-"

"Don't you dare say you did this for me. You fucked with his career, Tony." Pushing him away as he approaches you, hands out stretched. "You really need to control your jealously and selfishness, before it really fucks someone up." 

"Wait, [y/n]" He says as you walk back into the elevator. 

"I don't need you looking out for me" You say as you jam the button "I don't need a hero" 

[Eh, I don't really like this one. I had such ideas. Then it came to typing them, then it was like ...............]

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