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Yvonne opened her eyes gradually, she was weak, where she laid felt soft, she looked beside her and knew that she was in a hospital with a drip pipe flowing and connected to the hand. She was feeling sleepy and suddenly the door opened and she turned to look at who and saw a very handsome white fellow who sat beside her bed, he was putting on a white shirt and black trousers, she was weak and sleepy she was thinking if it was a dream
"Hello there, don't be afraid" he said smiling
"Who are you" she said in a weak voice as her eyes weaken
"Am your friend, am here to help"
"Help? Help do what?" she asked
"Relax, you need to clear your mind first" he said and touched her hand then stood up and left
"No, wait" she said but her voice was weak, he walked out and just then her eyes shut close...

When she opened her eyes again she saw Maria, Audrey and a doctor
"What am I doing here? Why am I so weak" Yvonne asked
"Relax Yvonne everything is fine now" Maria said touching Yvonne's hair
"No I want to know, I feel headaches and I feel so sick" she said
"Yvonne, you have a high fever" the doctor said
"What fever" she asked
"I think you are giving yourself too much worries" Audrey said
"No am not"
"Relax" Maria said
"A man came here and sat beside me, I didn't know him" she said
"No man came here, Yvonne" the doctor said
"No I saw a white man and good looking, he sat beside me"
"Yvonne you are imagining things" the doctor said
"No am not" she said trying to get up
"No don't do that" the doctor said holding her down
"Let go am fine" she said
"Alright" the doctor helped her sit down
"I wanna leave"
"No Yvonne you cant" Maria said
"What? You are not my mama" Yvonne said
"Don't worry she is good to go" the doctor said
"So she doesn't need to stay one more day" Maria said
"No, I'll just prescribe some drugs for her to take" he said
"Thank you" Yvonne said standing up and looked at herself
"Who changed my clothes?" she asked
"I did" the doctor said
"What? Why would you do that?" she said
"Yvonne what's the problem?" Audrey said
"He is not suppose to see my body"
"Please I have seen a lot of Unclad woman, if you know what I mean?" he said
"You know what lets go" Yvonne said moving.
They walked out of the room and to the reception and soon the doctor gave them some drugs for Yvonne and they left the hospital and got into Maria's car
"I wanna sit at the back" Yvonne said
"Whatever you want" Maria said and opened the back sit for her. Audrey sat in front with Maria who drove the car
"How long did I stay in that hospital?" Yvonne said
"Just one day" Maria said driving
"What? A whole 24hours?"
"Yeah" Maria said
"where's Rachael?" she asked
"Rachael left some minutes ago" Audrey said
"Where are we going now?" Yvonne asked
"My place" Maria said
After 3mins
"I don't understand whats happening to me" Yvonne said
"It will be fine dear" Maria said
"You shouldn't have told them" a voice said beside her and she was startled
"you? How did you get in here?" Yvonne said
"Who are you talking to?" Maria said and in the blink of an eye he had disappeared
"I huuum saw him now" Yvonne said looking confused
"You need some rest" Audrey said
"no I did see him"
"Alright, then" Maria said
After 10mins of driving they arrived at Maria's place
"Home sweet home" Yvonne said and sat down on the sofa and relaxed
"I'll prepare something in the kitchen" Maria said going to the kitchen
"Please my bag, I need to take something" Yvonne said
"I'll get it for you" Maria said and went upstairs and came back with the back
"here" Maria gave her the bag
Audrey sat on an armchair; Maria walked back to the kitchen. Yvonne sat up and opened her bag and brought out her car key and put it in her pocket; she was putting on a black jeans and a white top; she then put her phone too
"Are you going somewhere?" Audrey said
"I just wanna go for a stroll"
"Hell no, you just came back from a hospital" Audrey said
"Look i.... Jesus Christ" Yvonne yelled and jumped up
"What's that?" Audrey ask
"That is the monster that wants to kill me" Yvonne yelled as she pointed behind Audrey
"There's nothing" she said looking back
"No No No" Yvonne ran out of the house
"what's the shouting" Maria said running out of the kitchen
"Its Yvonne, she just ran off"
"O no" Maria said and ran outside but Yvonne had already gotten into her car and drove off
"Yvonne wait, stop" Maria shouted but she drove away...

Yvonne drove fast into the main road
"You shouldn't have told your friend" a voice said
"Get out of my head" she screamed
She drove to nowhere in particular; she was on 3rd mainland bridge and right in the middle of the bridge her car started to slow down
"O No" she said and tried all she could but nothing so she parked the car by the road, every other kept moving at a high speed. She tried starting it again but nothing happened. She stepped out of the car and walked to the front and opened the engine and stared at it not knowing what to do, she knew that those powers her working against her again, she heard the sound of someone hitting her car from behind, she was scared but went to the back to see who but she didn't see anyone or any scratch.

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