Chapter 1

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A/N i'm sorry that my story has so many grammatical errors. i'm currently editing with my editor but i wanted to ge the story out there anyway

Chapter 1

I wake up to the sound of someone loudly knocking on my door. I sit up and yet they continue to pound on the door

"I'm up what more do you want", I say.

I fall back into the bed and close my eyes. I expect to hear my mom's gentle voice or her laughing. However instead I hear an unfamiliar male voice.

"Simon made me get up and go for a run with Liam a long time ago and he didn't even give me medicine the least you could do is get up and talk to him",  the male voice says. I sit up and look around, and for the first time I realize I'm not at home. Wait Where am I? The room is completely white, The bed, the pillows, the carpet, the desk, the lamp, and the curtains. There is no way anyone lives in here. I slowly stand up and open the door as my head pounds. Ugh why did I have to go partying last night? I open the door to see a boy with curly hair standing there.

"Hi I'm Harry." he says  and sticks his hand out to me. Um say what now? I coolly laugh.

 "Who are you and what am i doing here ?", I ask.

  "Just c'mon Simon will explain" he says.

he says as he grabs my hand and pulls me down the long hallway. He lets go of my hand as we walk down the stairs. Then Harry slows down

"Okay look once you understand just do whatever Simon says. He already is mad at us, mostly me and I'm trying to limit his anger" he says with a smile. I  currently have no idea what is going on and that "pep talk" didn't help. I follow him into a giant living room. The living room is all white similar to bedroom I was in.

"Hello" a male voice says. I look over and notice the two guys sitting on the coach. "My name is Simon and this is Liam” he says pointing to the brown haired boy sitting next to him.

“I'll be helping you out of the mess you and Harry have created" he says extending his hand. I can’t deny he sounds mad but what is he mad about?

 “I don’t mean to be rude but I am completely lost. What is going on?” I ask.

“Harry didn’t tell you?” he asks. I shake my head no.

“Why don’t you watch” he says as he turns the TV on. Harry sits down on the couch before patting the spot next to him for me to sitdoen . I sit down next to him cautiously before watching the TV screen. I watch as a picture of Harry and I holding hands comes up, and then one of us hugging, and then another of us kissing, and several more after that. I feel harry tense up as a woman appears on the screen. I still don’t get what is going on until she begins to talk.

“Harry Styles appeared at club last night with a mysterious girl we’ve never seen before. Sources say the two met at the club before dancing, talking, and finally leaving. Sources say they saw the two go to a jeweler where harry styles came out with a small black box. The two then went to a local court house and left with two rings on their fingers. After all these events we can only assume that harry s has finally decided to settle down with that one special girl and marry her. That’s it my name is Rachel and this is clevver tv thanks for watching.”

The Tv show cuts off and Simon turns to us. Harry tenses up and I look down at my feet.

“No need to be embarrassed guys. You got drunk, fell in love, and got married and now you have to deal with the consequences.” Simon says.

I look over at Harry who looks geniunly scared. “Do you mean more push-ups and running” he asks Simon. Simon smiles “I would but just because I want you to suffer doesn’t mean I want her to suffer” he says gesturing to me. Simon turns to me ”We will be working together for a while so I’m going to explain where we will go from here. But first what is your name” He asks me. “Leah” I say “My name is Leah. “Well Leah this is what is going to happen you and harry. We will have a press conference tomorrow you will say the you are dating but you have been keeping it private and the marriage was a joke between the two of you. Then you will continue to fake dating for the next six months. After the six months we will decide what to do from the there” Simon says.

“What do you mean fake date?” I ask. I've never "fake dated" someone. "In the public eye you will have to pretend you are really a couple, which means holding hands, kissing, and the whole lovey dovey thing, and when you get back to the flat you don’t have to pretend. However anytime you leave the flat you are a couple. Also you will move to harry’s and the other boys’ flat.” Simon replies to me. “But I don’t want to pretend we are a couple“ I say. They can’t make me do it he is their little pop star not me. “Unfortunately Leah you don’t have a choice. Normally I would try and get this to leave the media by saying you guys aren’t together any more or some other crap. However you and harry really did legally get married which means you are a couple. So I talked to the court and tried to get you guys divorced but they said if you wanted to be divorced you had to go to a marriage counselor and try and work out your relationship for 6 months to see if you really needed to get divorced. So if you are doing that and I say you aren’t together it will obviously be a lie.” He continues.

"So I am being forced to live with and be in a relationship with Harry Styles” I ask?

“You know most girls would love to be I your position” Harry says to me with a smirk before scooting closer to me. If he moves any closer to me he will be sitting on my lap.

“You forget I’m not like most girls” I say and move away from him. “Okay we want you to move in with Harry and the boys as soon as possible. Like tonight will that be a problem with your parents or anything” He asks. “Um no my parents died in a car crash two years ago. I’m in Uni so I’m fine I can move to another place” I say looking down. I’ve never told anybody about my parent’s car crash. I always make up a story but some how with harry and simon it just slipped out. “I’m sorry leah” Harry says. He places his hand on my knee. I feel the urge to cry when he does that. He touched the exact place where my bruise was from the car crash. Somehow that one touch makes me relive the entire car crash.

Flashback Starts

It happened in December after my first game. I was surprised I had even made the team and my parents were so proud that they had promised to come to every game and cheer me on. My dad and mom had driven to the game together and I had taken the team bus from my school. We were driving home and my dad wanted to hurry up so he could see the football game. He had been talking about how I had scored 10 points. He was so proud and said that he would work with me so I could score even more next time. He told me he had taken a picture of me taking a shot. I had asked him if I could see it. I remember he reached back and grabbed the camera and as he was scrolling through the pictures he lost control of the wheel and launched into a trailer truck. I didn’t have a seat belt and I flew into the seat, only  hurting my hip and knees very badly, while they were killed on the spot. And I always felt like it was my fault they had died. If only I hadn’t asked for that picture.

Flashback Ends

I feel someone shaking me. “Leah Leah are you alright” Harry asks. I’m shaking and I feel a single tear roll down my face. Harry puts his arm around me and pulls me closer. My head is resting on his chest and I’m still upset from the flashback.  I haven’t had a flashback that vivid in a long time and I can’t stop shaking.  Harry continues to comfort me. Simon stands up “We will move your stuff to the flat for you” he says. I continue to cry and shake and Harry just continues to comfort me. He doesn’t ask questions, he doesn’t talk, and he doesn’t try to make a move, he just helps me. I fall asleep in Harry’s arms.

I wake up in a unknown bed. I look around the room it’s obvious someone lives in this one unlike the room I woke up in this morning. Clothes and shoes are strewn all over the room. I slowly sit up and I notice I’m in different clothes too. I’m now wearing a one direction shirt and a pair of boxers. I stand up and open the door. I walk through the hallways of the giant flat before wondering down to where I see Harry and 4 other guys sitting on a couch and talking and laughing. I stand shly in the door frame wanting to draw as little attention as possible. The blonde haired boy notices me first. He waves before tapping harry and pointing at me. “ayeeee your up” he says “ it’s time to meet uh well they are well the people on the shirt” He says with a smile on his face. I smile at the lads. I walk over to where they are sitting. I sit next to the blonde haired one who waved to me, He seems nice. “Leah this is Niall”, he says pointing to the blonde haired one, and then he goes down the line in the order they are sitting in. “ And this is Zayn, Liam, and Louis. Lads this is leah” he says. “So you are the Leah who married my hazza” Louis says with a smile. “Yeah I guess that’s me”  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2013 ⏰

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