Hours pass and the room is still quite, I still look through that small window pane. The more I see through it, and think about it....it makes me more and more anxious to go out there. IM NOT A CAGED BIRD!! I'm a human being, and I deserve to go out there! Meet new people!!! See new things!! But.....I can't, I know there are dangers outside the glass wall. I look up, and all I see are small tiny lights, Stars. I recognize one of them, the biggest and brightest one in the black sky. The Northern Star, it's so beautiful and extraordinary. I wonder if I could ever get a chance to go on a rooftop and see the view from there. It be much better if I could, but yet I'm here in this stupid room, caged like a bird, but this bird has wings and knows how to fly. It just needs to be free..if I ever do get the chance to get out of here, I'll make the most out of it. And if I ever get lost out in this ceaseless world, I can just follow the Northern Star. But for now, I'll just go to sleep and dream about getting out of this fucking cage. Goodnight..
STARS by:_Lara_1
AdventureCora always wanted to be free, however due to her obstacles in her life, it will be much harder to escape. Since she was little, she's always dreamed about living a life full of freedom and adventure, but all that will be a challenge to complete. So...