9: Hogmeade Part 2

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Ron's PoV

I quickly left the Great Hall after Bella left. I need to send Pansy Parkinson an owl, we both wanted what we couldn't have. No one knew but I fancied Bella. And I definitely know that Pansy LOVES Draco. I need to break Bella and him up. I don't even understand why she fancies that brat.

I grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill. I quickly scribbled down.

Pansy Parkinson
Meet me in the Potions classroom at 9:45. I know how to split up Draco and Bella.

I attached the note to an owl and sent it off. I headed to the classroom. I really hope she takes the offer. I need to explain my whole plan in only 5 mins before we leave to Hogmeade.

I very quietly enter the classroom and I only waited 2 mins. Pansy slowly opened the door and peered in.  

"Okay Weasley, I'm here. Don't waste my time!" she snapped. "Okay here's the plan."
Bella's PoV
Draco and I found the Head Boy and Girl carriage.  I still haven't gotten over the cool privileges that we get. The carriage was really pretty and comfortable. We sat down and I rested my head on his shoulders.

"Bells what do you want to do first? Oh and at some point I need to go and grab something! You can't come with though it's a secret." He said with his typical smirk.

"That's fine and I told Hermione that Gina and I would meet her to do some clothes shopping. Wait didn't Astoria and Blaise say to meet them at the Three Broomsticks?" "Oh yeah! I guess we can go have some Butterbeer and than maybe me can go the book store?" He said knowing I would definitely agree. 

My face light up, I loved books and he knew it. "Yes. That would be great. I was needing some new books!" I stated. "You cute when you act all smart!" He said with a chuckle. "Wow I've turned into such a mush!" He said. "Aw! I don't think your mush. I think it's romantic when your sweet."

His lips quickly meet mine and I didn't object. It was a short but wonderful kiss. We were interrupted when we heard a voice say that we arrived at Hogsmeade.  We left the carriage in search for Astoria and Blaise.

Draco grabbed my hand and lead me over to where we spotted them walking. As we walked I looked around to all the pretty shops. I used to come here all the time with my dad. We used to walk around for hours and every time we came he always got me Butterbeer ice cream. I saddened at the thought, I really miss him.

Draco noticed my quick changed of mood and stopped walking. "Bells what's wrong, are you okay?" He said sweetly, with a small reassuring smile. "I'm okay it's just this place brings back a lot of memories with my dad. We used to come here all the time together." I shed a small tear and he wiped it away.

"I know how it feels to lose someone you love. Don't worry I'll never leave you." He said before he gave me a hug. I never want to leave his embrace. I felt safe and that I wasn't alone. After a while we pulled away and continue walking.

We reached The Three Broomsticks to find them waiting for us. Sitting down Blaise left to get us all Butterbeers. "Hey Bella I like your outfit." Astoria said smiling. Draco told me she's really into fashion, but you could tell by the way she dresses. She really was beautiful her long silky brown hair was curled and she was wearing a black skirt with a green top. "Oh thanks. Yours too!" I replied as Blaise came back with the drinks.

"So Archer I've waited about 7 years for Malfoy here to finally ask you out. And to be honest when he told me you guys were together I wasn't expecting it.." Blaise said jokily. I could feel my checks start to redden and so were Draco's. He took a long sip of Butterbeer and looked at Blaise. "Oh Blaise don't act so innocent we all know you've loved Astoria since you were in diapers." Draco responded. Astoria nearly chocked on her Butterbeer.
It was quit funny when those two argued.

We all finished up our Butterbeers and headed our separate ways. Draco and I headed to the book store. It was 11:30 so I had an hour and a half before I meet up with the girls. Draco put his arm around my waist as we walked. I could help but look up at him only to find him looking down at me.

We found a cute old book store and began to browse all the books. I found a book about magical creatures and sat down. I began to read it. Then Draco came up to me and told me it was all ready 12:50. I can't believe how fast the time went I really do get lost in books.

Draco walked me to where I was meeting everyone. "When ever you finish we can meet up again." He said. "Yes we can go get something to eat?" "Okay I'll see you later have fun." He said and kissed me before going on his way.

I saw a small group of girl chatting in front of The Three Broomsticks and I headed over to them. "Hey guys! Where are we off to first?" I said which sparked excitement. "Oh I heard they just opened up a new boutique we can go check it out!" Gina announced to the group. "Yes let's go!" Hermione added leading us over to the boutique.

As soon as we turned to corner to where the boutique was located I saw something that I wanted to believe wasn't happening. Draco was making out with some random girl. My heart dropped and tears began to stream down my face. "Draco what are you doing!" I screamed. Gina and Ginny were holding me back. Draco stopped and looked over at me. "Oh Archer I was just using you for fun. I don't fancy you. I hate you actually. Blood traitor hanging around those mudbloods you call friends. Your ugly, annoying, and boring. I'm done with you." He said with pure venom dripping from each word. He went back to kissing that girl.

I was so hurt I couldn't believe it. Everything was a lie and I believed that he actually cared about me for a second time. The girls were trying to comfort me. I really, actually loved him. "I'm so sorry Bella. He's a jerk and he doesn't deserve you." They all said. I kept telling myself that but nothing was helping the pain in my heart.
Wow poor Bella. What do you think will happen next. Anyway hope you enjoyed. Please like, comment, or follow. I really appreciate it!

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