Chapter 1

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It was 3 a.m when the alarm clock went off, making Casandra jump out of her sleep. She groaned and glared at the small black device that was making all that noise. Slowly she reached out and turned it off.

"Already?" She yawned.

She stumbled out of bed and into the shower, tripping over her overpacked bags on the way.

After putting her clothes on she looked at the bags and sighed, a smile played on her face.

A car pulled up at her house, she looked out to see the taxi had arrived. Excitement took over for a few seconds, making her giggle like a little girl on christmas morning.

Pulling her heavy bags down the stairs was no easy task but she somehow managed. She opened the front door and waved to the driver who quickly joined her and relieved her of two of her bags. As he made his way to the car Casandra locked the door and checked four times, that it really was locked before picking up the two remaining bags from the ground.

She looked around, it was pitchblack. Not even a star could be seen, it was chilly and rain was hanging in the air. She looked back the house before getting in the car.

The dig would take three months, in the meantime Vincent and his wife would look after the house and the yard. Their only son would be moving in when he got back from his trip to Austrailia. But that was in two weeks.

The house looked dark and gloomy. It's usually bright red colour was almost grey this morning. The grass had little drops of water here and there, making the yard look like a green star filled sky.

"Long trip, miss?" The driver said as he pulled out from the house.

"Three months." Casandra said with a tired smile.

"That is long. Who will look after the house?" He asked

"An old friend." Casandra simply said and leaned back in her seat, she closed her eyes but was unable to fall asleep.

At the airports check in desk she got funny looks from the other passangers, she was the only one with three giant bags and a hand bag. She ignored them. It was now 7 a.m. Her plane was to leave at 8 a.m.

Plenty of time to wander aimlessly in the taxfree area. Though she never really buys anything from them.

"Passangers of flight 289 are to board, please make your way to the gate." A voice said from the nearest speaker.

"I better hurry." Casandra mumbled and picked up her pace.

The gate was crowded with men, women and children. All packed together hoping to be the first ones to board the plane. Casandra simply sighed and sat down. Once the gate opened she got up and took out her ticket.

"Next! Have a nice trip ma'm." The attendant said and smiled at her.

Casandra smiled back and entered the long tunnel leading to the airplane. She looked around as she got into the plane, a steward came to her and asked for her seat number. After making her way to her seat and placing her bag under her seat, she sighed and started to relax.

It took almost an hour for the passangers to fill the plane and put their bags in the right places. The children made all sorts of noises and seemed restless. They probably wanted to be there already.

Casandra smiled and put her earplugs in her ears and leaned back, looking out the window. They were moving now. Soon they would be in the air and on the way.

She looked down into her book, Sherlock Holmes, and continued reading. She had read it so many times she almost knew it by heart. But it was a good book and a great book for travelling.

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