Pepe Wentz's Eyeliner

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So I got tagged by Pouting_Patrick  to do this challenge, go follow them if you're emo trash like I am.

Basically the challenge is to answer 13 question you are are asked, come up with 13 others for 13 other people, and tell 13 facts about yourself.

Alright, I'm gonna answer some questions now. Here we go.

1)If you could only ever meet one famous person, and not meet anyone else famous afterwards, but you could spend a day with the famous person, who would you choose for the famous person to be?
*Sweats nervously* Uhhhh....
I'm seriously stumped on this one. Well let me think...
I've listened to the Beatles for so long, and I've practically grown up on their music. I would have to say John Lennon, because he is my inspiration, and I love how he contributed to the world peace effort of the 1960s. (Yes I know he passed away IDGAF I'll get a time machine.)

2)Would you rather live in a fictional universe for eternity (basically you'd be immortal in the fictional universe of your choice) or in this universe, but one fictional character exists in this universe and they have a crush on you?

3)Baby Phil Lester or baby Dan Howell?
Phil and Dan raising a baby together :)

4) Would you be freaked out if Brendon Urie had surgery so he had a normal sized forehead?
Y E S #Brendon'sForeheadForPresident2016

5) What year did you join your first fandom, and are you still in that fandom?
Harry Potter when I was in third grade, and I am still HP trash to this day.

6) Do you refer to yourself as trash or treasure?
Trash tbh

7) Would you rather watch the Minion movie with your current fave, or swim in a pool of melted chocolate, but you drown in the chocolate pool?
(Sorry but I hate minions with a fiery passion)

8) Would you rather live a week without YouTube, or live a week without Music?
Can't I just stream the music from YouTube though?

9) Joe Trohmans' Afro or Ray Toros' Afro?
"A house divided against itself cannot stand"- Abraham Lincoln. (Curly fro fro princesses unite!!)

10) Do you like scented candles?
Yeah they're cool

11) Would you rather live in Japan or America?
Japan doesn't have to deal with Donald Trump, so Japan.

12) What's your OTP and your NOTP?
OTP- Dan and Maltesers
NOTP- Waycest- Just.... just why? Also incest isn't cute honey.

13) Download 5th Lung from the app store and share your thoughts.
Awww it's so cute!! :) My only complaint is the controls are flimsy as a simulator game lol.
(Edit: I have now heard of the lung fic...)

13 facts about me:
1) I'm vegetarian
2) My favorite doctor is Matt Smith
3) Ice Cream is my favorite desert
4) And pizza is the best dinner dish.
5) Last book I read: I'll Give You the Sun
6) I support equal rights
7) Apples are my favorite fruit
8) I love musicals
9) Last song I listened to: Party Poison by My Chemical Romance
10) My favorite avenger is Iron Man and Scarlet Witch
11) My biggest pet peeve is obnoxious people behind me when waiting in a line.
12) My favorite anime is Hetalia
13) My favorite actor is Benedict Cumberbatch

And that was that!!!

Ok so the thirteen chosen ones:

Your thirteen questions:
1) Who is your role model?
2) What is the saddest fanfic you have ever read?
3) Who's your favorite author?
4) What song do you consider your anthem?
5) Which of your fandoms do you have the most merchandise of?
6) Your top 3 OTPS and NOTPS
7) Would you rather meet all your heroes but lose your hearing after, or become a hero but lose your vision?
8) Who is your favorite YouTuber, and what is your favorite video by them?
9) My Chemical Romance or Fall Out Boy?
10) Would you rather live in Britain during the rainy season, or California during a drought?
11) Winter or Summer?
12) 1960s or 1950s?
13) Be in love and go mute or find prosperity but never love anyone again?

Thank you guys.- HeavyRubberSoul

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