Chapter 7

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Goddamnit, not again...

My head was pounding. A sense of deja vu washed over me. Shaking my throbbing head, I remembered my situation. I needed to man up. I couldn't be taken down this easily.

We were driving in a car again. Well, I mean he was driving, while I was tied to the back seat.

Boldly, I cleared my throat to speak.

"Where are we going now?" Good. It sounded like my voice didn't waver too much. Or at least I hoped my fear wasn't that noticeable.


My kidnapper glanced briefly at me through the back-facing mirror. At first I thought he couldn't hear me, but a tick in his jaw hinted he very well did.

Two can play that game.

I huffed and crossed what I could have of my arms, in my compromising situation. I looked out the window, seeing plain grass and wide roads. Where were we anyway? It seemed no where near my home.

After driving in silence for what seemed like forever, the car lurched to a stop.

Betty's Chicken and Waffles. The neon sign made my mouth immediately water. When was the last time I ate anyway?

I hadn't noticed a certain someone get out of the car until I almost fell out. The door I was leaning against swung open into the hot, humid afternoon.

"Woah there," he chuckled, catching me off balance. As he started to untie my restraints, he whistled boredly.

"Now, I know you're hungry and all, but be on your best behavior. Act one hair out of place, I will shoot up the entire place. Okay?"

The easy-going smile remained on his face as he spoke, but the dark gleam in his eyes made my blood run cold. Meekly, I nodded.

Betty's diner was what one would call... obscure. As we walked in, no one looked up. The four or five that sat at tables spoke quietly, all seeming to mind their own business.

A middle-aged waitress approached as we sat down. She paid no heed to either of us, only raising her eyebrows to ask for our order.

Of course, the jerkface ordered for me. Now, I wasn't really in a sane position to speak rationally to someone right now, but the guy didn't even ask what I wanted!

Few minutes later, two whopping plates of chicken and waffles were served. I didn't wait to dig in.

After hurriedly finishing my plate, the meal was...silent and awkward. While I waited for him to finish, I snuck a few glances here and there, until he held eye contact for a full minute. No words, but a full-out stare down. I, being the lovely lady, gave him a glare.

After slamming a couple of bills on the table, the brute dragged me out of the diner and into the car. When we were out of the restaurant's sight, I struggled a bit against him.

"For godssakes, where are we going?!" I yelled.

"To my... boss, I guess you could call him." He finally spoke, exasperated.

My mind was spinning. Questions plagued my thoughts. "Who is your boss, and what does he want with me? I don't even know where we are? Who even are..."

"Listen here, princess," he gritted, "I'm only the delivery man, you hear? I could care less about why it was you, or what they plan on doing with you. I just bring the goods, and get my money. Simple. No questions asked. So before I slam your head on the car to shut your pretty little mouth, you better get in and let me finish my job."

I was at a loss for words. My head was blank. What did he mean he was just a "delivery guy"?

A sense of dread filled me like I was being drenched in ice water. No, I didn't want to think about that. There's no way this could happen, right? There must be some mistake.

I wasn't wanted. I was just a small-town girl with daddy and mommy issues. No crimes, nothing to make me stand out. But what was happening? Who was I being taken to?

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