50 about me ...

22 5 8

1. my real names alyssa

2. I can not spell to save my life .!!

3. I dance a lot

4. I like to hid my real feeling and there's only a few people I'm open with

5. I love school

6 . I draw but when you look at my drawing you would ask if I did it...

7. I not a drity main

8. I love to whach moives

9. I love to read and read and read yes I'm a geek

10. I have A's and B's in school

11. I LOVE to COOK

12. I love to make people happy even when Im not

13 I hate when people go all poor me on me

14. I have gone thou. a lot more then a girl my age should

15 when I write a poem its mostly how I feel at that time and place and I don't want anyone to give me pity

16. I love pandas, frogs, tigers, wovles ... dogs cat well any animal but snakes

17. I come across as a girly-girl but then as a tom-boy so I'm both

18. I hate labels ... its just wrong but if I had to here's main geek-girly-tom-boy-emo-looking-smart-carzy-nut-job-lady.. ya I don't get the whole emo thing but that's the label everyone gives me when they don't really know me ..whatever

19. I love to take pictures

20. I love to eat and I do but Im a 115 lb I think that's because of danceing so much

21. I'm a nice person umlest you do 5 things then it will not be good ...

22. I have light brown eyes. that change diffent shades of brown that macth my mood and it does not matter if I act happy .. my eyes tell the thurt.

23. I have 2 sisters and 3 brothers

and then I have 2 more sisters but there my best friends and 1. bro. he's my besy guy friend

24. I really don't whach t.v that much

25. I whach a t.v show called the forster and twiated

25, my bands are 1D, green day , little mix, killers, 3 days grace.

26. my birthday is july 30th

27. I don't have a fav, music or songs or bands

28. I love to swonbored

29. I love coldplay

30. I hate math class but I get B's And A's in it

31. I love to play on the wii and I will bet anyone at any just dance game!!!

32. my fav, book is green egg and ham - that is my all time fav,

33. I don't really play a lot of video games

34. I hate when people make themslef seem little.

35. my fav number is 7 . why? well idk its odd

36. I love to yell romdom things out like BUNNY or CAT

37. I can say my abc in 3 sec. falt.-no lie i use a stop whach and did this 10 times to make share

38.if I do play a game I love to play any fighting or niaga game.

39. I don't dance in a stuido

40. I LOVE to draw

41. I love to whach any moive but scary moives . if so I will act like a 5 year old or worst if I have to

42. I love to tease people I know really well

43. I have a step-dad

44. I saw stuff

45. my hair is long it goes down to the middle of my back

46. I have a big mothe when I'm mad

47. I love to qutoe stuff like this . I'm a lover not a fighter but I will fight for what I love by idk

48. I like to hid my talents like my drawing and danceing

but in 7th grade I biring my art book with me..

49. I SING soprano like its reallly high

and now........

50. I LOVE TO TALK.. so be ready.!!!!!!

A/N pz tell me how I did VOTE comment. Whatever plz read my other works and I would love to hear your thoughts. even if its hate!!

bye bunnys tell me what you would like to see next

-love izzy love

RONDOM , rondon,,, RONDOM i SAY!!!!!  by izzy loveWhere stories live. Discover now