Someones Pissy

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    I need to get the ingredients now. I thought as I was walking through the spices isle. I walk towards the isle and my phone rings. I look down at my phone and *bam* I look up from my phone and there's a guy on the floor. I run over to him.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I going." I say. He kinda grunts as he get up and he's much taller than me. He's wearing a grey shirt and jeans. His hair tells me he just got out of bed, but his eyes look like he's defiantly wide awake. Probably because I just hit him with my shopping cart, but who knows.
"It's fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I'm sure." He says and walks past me.
"Someone's pissy" I mumble. I look at my phone.
-Hurry up with that damn cake mix I'm hungry Krista!- text from Alyssa. I tell her I'll be home in awhile. I get to the isle and that guy is there. I awkwardly look for my cake mix and as I reach for it he takes it.
"Last one." He says.
"I see that." I say. "What do you need it for?" I ask.
"To bake a cake." He says. Obviously trying to look annoyed. I breath deeply and try to shrug it of.
"Right." I say. And look for another cake mix. Vanilla will have to do. I grab it and set it in the cart.
"Chocolates way better than vanilla you know."
"I would have gotten chocolate if someone didn't take the last one." I say and start to walk away.
"Somebody's pissy." He mumbles and I look back and him and he's grinning. I start to walk away. I go get milk and eggs next and go to the cash register. In line I look around and guess who's behind me. Yup the guy with MY chocolate cake mix. I look in front of me and try to ignore him. He taps me on the shoulder.
"Hey, take it." He says. "I don't bake cakes anyway, and you seem like you do."
He hands it to me.
"Thanks." I say. I grab a pack of gum and pay for my things. I head out to my car and look at the cake box. I look on the back and there's a phone number. I smile and put it back in the bag. I chuckle, he was hella fine. Better hurry home and tell this to Alyssa.

CAMERON DALLAS FANFIC- Falling in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now