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It was about a year ago, when you and Mikey met. he was a bit immature, but he made up for it with his looks. He was definitely the cutest turtle out of his brothers. he had an adorable smile, freckles, baby blue eyes, and a cute voice that definitely suited him. he was the true definition of cute. you smile everytime you think about or see him, and he makes your heart flutter. you realize that you have a huge crush on him, and you blush. while you're thinking about this, Mikey somehow jumpscares you, and he laughs at your face. "sorry (y/n)! I just wanted to let you know Donnie wants to see you." you smile and hug him. he blushes and looks at you confused. "see ya Mikey." you leave him blushing and you enter the laboratory that belongs to Donnie. Donnie smiles at you and brings you over. "(y/n)! how are you?" you smile at him. "oh the usual. you know mikey." donnie smirks as he looks back down at his work before glancing back up at you. "jumpscare i presume?" he asks, a sly grin playing along his lips. you blush softly and smirk back at him. "depends if i should tell you." donnie chuckles softly as he stands up, putting his goggles on. "so what did you need me for?" you ask, him handing you a pair of goggles. "oh something." you put them on, quite confused. then donnie begins working on a cure for mutagen as he adds an ingredient. it instantly explodes and you stare at him surprised. he looks under the microscope and smiles. "I've done it!" you look at him covered in soot. "Done what?" You ask, confused as to why he's so happy. he smiles at you and shows off his gapped tooth smile. you blush slightly, Donnie pouring the contents into a container with a cork on the top before pulling out a pencil and writing "do not touch Mikey!" you laugh and wonder what the youngest turtle has been doing. Donnie hugs you and gently pushes you out. "we have to celebrate! I've created retro-mutagen!" you smile and hug Donnie and walk towards Mikey's room. "(Y/n)!" you hear your crush's voice and he's smiling at you. Mikey hugs you and you hug back, Mikey's embrace warm and welcoming. you don't want to let go and Mikey gently leans down and kisses your forehead. you blush and he smiles. "I love you too (y/n)... I just didn't know how to tell you." he says, staring into your eyes before leaning down and kissing you slowly. you blush deeply and the kiss is gentle and soft, very addicting to you. you can't help but blush as you feel the strong urge to close your eyes slowly. you give in to the urge and relax, Mikey hugging you and lifting you up carefully as you both begin to kiss, every moment causing you to lose yourself further into your crush's embrace. he returns your affection and pulls you even closer, not crushing you at all, the embrace everything you want it to be before you feel Mikey carrying you, the kiss perfect and not breaking. by the time you had reached his favorite spot, you had lost yourself completely. you never wanted to let go of the person who understood you, who was able to be serious enough to listen, who will smile through the darkness. you and Mikey couldn't stop, every moment made you realize how much love you truely have. you couldn't stop yourself as you wrap your arms around his neck, bringing you both closer then ever before. after a few minutes, Mikey gently pulls away and leans down carefully, and delicately kisses you neck. you blush deeply and gasp, mikey smirking a little. when he speaks, his voice is much more lustful and sexy then usual. "shhhh (y/n)~ just relax~ i know what I'm doing~" you start to slowly relax until Mikey gently latches onto your neck and begins to suck, his tongue gently tracing over the spot as you realize how good it feels. you sigh softly in bliss as Mikey gently pushes a hand into your shorts and panties, his smooth reptilian fingers rubbing your sensitive slit. you moan and let him, him hugging you close as he slides a finger inside you, it being thick and gentle. the feeling is refreshing and caring as you feel him thrust it in and out, the thick appendage flexing and rubbing against your virgin walls. the feeling is blissful and amazing. "M-mikey... h-how do you know what to do so well?" you ask, the will to talk fading fast as you focus on his finger. "i asked donnie for some tips on how to make girls feel good~ he said either my cock, my tongue, my mouth, or these~" he wiggles his finger faster inside you, you barely able to think straight as he finds your g-spot. "M-mikey n-ahhhhh~!" your thoughts and sentence are all interrupted by mikey's sly finger slamming onto your g-spot with very good skill. you can't take anymore and give up, cumming onto his hand as he chuckles. "Awww~ did you cum already~?" he asks teasingly. you look away blushing before Mikey grips your shorts and yanks them off your legs. you blush deeply and he smirks before kissing your cheek. "may I do this (y/n)? If not, i'll let you be until we get time again." his smart words and sexual tone made it all too much for you. every word made you want it more. every word was like a drug, the more he spoke, the more you became addicted. you kiss him deeply, him lifting your legs and hugging you as your wrap them around his hips. he thrusts in, filling you with his large length. you feel more pleasure then pain as you hear the strain in his sensual tone. "o-oh shell that feels good...~" you hear him say, his face gently buried in your neck as he grunts to not go crazy. you relax as he helps you adjust by kissing you deeply. he hugs you with an arm while holding you up with his other, beginning his series of thrusts. you blush and moan into his mouth as he kisses you more sloppily, clearly more focused on his hips then his lips. he groans softly as he keeps thrusting, every thrust spreading your walls and multiplying the pleasure each time. you can't make coherent words, the pleasure too great. you pant and you blush as mikey's cock swells up. "(Y/n)~! I'm so close~!" You blush and hug him tighter. "Pull out~!" he nods and pulls out, cumming onto the floor under you. "Ahhhh~ I love you (y/n)~" you pant and smile. "I love you too mikey~" you say as he manages to carry you into your room, laying down next to you while pulling up the blanket. "good night (y/n)~" he says before you close your eyes and you both drift off into a blissful sleep.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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