Chapter 6- Rich Girls Are Poor Company

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Charlie's POV.

Andy and I met at our usual lunch table in the cafeteria. On days like these, Andy and I would bring food from our houses and trade each other our snacks. But we both forgot today so we both stuck to free lunch. We sat down and she talked about the new football player she was seeing. 

"He's so buff," She admired, "He even picked me up and carried me to his room."

I cringed. Andy wasn't very disclosed when it came to her love life. I mean I was happy she was comfortable around me to openly talk about it, but the fact was, it was still weird. I wouldn't blame her for it though. If I had a bunch of guys chasing after me, I'd want to give my bestfriend all the gory details. You know, if I had a love life. In all honesty, I hadn't had my first boyfriend yet. Not because I couldn't get one or anything. I just didn't want one. Andy didn't want one either, but sometimes I think that she wishes she could have one. But she couldn't, for whatever reason I do not know of.

"Hey guys," Maya said as she joined us at our table. We both smiled as she sat next to Andy. Immediately Maya leaned toward her for a kiss, but Andy quickly turned away, leaving Maya confused as she shrank back into her seat. I looked at her sympathetically as Maya averted her eyes toward her tray of food and played around with carrots with her fork. Andy sighed and stuck her earbuds in her ears.

Just then I felt someone sit beside me and I turned. There Noah sat, smiling at me with his dimpled smile. It made me smile myself. I felt my mood cheer up.

"Hey," I smiled warmly. 

"Hey," He grinned back. He looked at Andy and Maya behind me and his expression shifted, "What's wrong with them?"

I shrugged, "Girl problems." 

He laughed at that. "I see."

"Hey Lockwood!" A voice behind him shouted.

Three guys in letterman jackets walked up to our table but only made eye contact with Noah. "Come sit with us man! One of our buddies is taking the guys out for hot dogs. Why don't you come with?"

I turned away from Noah, ready for him to take the invitation and join them. To my surprise, he politely declined. "Oh it's okay man, maybe some other time."

"Oh come on Lockwood, come hang with us guys."

But Noah declined again, "No it's fine, I'm okay staying here with my friends."

As soon as the word friends left his mouth, they looked at him like he was insane. Their eyes looked over at Andy, Maya, and I. I bet they were questioning why a guy like him would hang out with people like us. To be quite honest, I was asking myself the same thing. They all turned away and joined the others at their table.

Noah looked back at me and smiled. "Why did you do that?" I asked him curiously. He just shrugged, like it was no big deal what he just did, "Because I wanted to stay here with you." Heat rose to my cheeks and I avoided looking at him in hopes that maybe my face would go back to normal.

Another voice called out Noah's name. But it wasn't any of the football players. But I wish it was. I could hear Andy growling behind me as Madison plopped herself at our table, right beside Noah.

"You must be the Noah Lockwood I've been hearing so much about," She grinned. Her boobs were practically hanging out of her shirt and pushed up against him. I was somewhat glad that I felt his back press closer to me.

"It's too bad your friend Andy here didn't introduce you to me sooner," She laughed. She glanced towards Andy but Andy was quietly fuming in her place. Madison just loved it and engulfed her deadly glare in as if she enjoyed it. "Andy." She flashed a smile. She looked at Maya beside her, "Andy's play toy."

That really pushed Andy's buttons. She started to rise from her seat, "You know what, you little prissy bi-"

"Okay!" I interrupted Andy quickly, "Let's go get some water shall we? Come on Andy, let's go get some water." I quickly pushed her towards the vending machine on the other side of the cafeteria. Maya also followed behind us. As soon as we were far enough from Madison and Noah, I sighed. I turned to see Maya cupping Andy's face and combing strands of hair behind her ears as she said, "She's not worth it baby, you're better than this." This seemed to calm down Andy almost instantly as she looked back at Maya and started to smile lazily. They both laughed and shared a kiss. I turned away to give them some privacy.

I watched as Madison was still gawking over Noah. Her hand lightly grazed over his arm as she whispered in his ear. It made me sick to even look. Noah seemed surprised a her words because his eyes widened and he pulled away. Of course she started to laugh. She pulled out a small piece of paper and pen from her purse and started to write something down. She kissed the note and handed it to him and left. I sighed and turned back to Andy, "I think it's safe to go back now."

Maya nodded and accompanied Andy and I back to the table. Noah shifted in his seat uncomfortably as I sat next to him again. My heart almost shrank.

"So what did the skank want?" Andy immediately questioned. Maya sighed and shook her head. 

Andy shrugged in defense, "What? If she was throwing herself at you, I bet it must of been good right?"

Noah's voice lowered, "Stop Andy. She just gave me her phone number and said we should hang out sometime."

"Well are you?" She pressed.

"Well, I don't know.." He said. He looked at me but I averted my eyes and stared down at my tray, "Maybe."

"Well have fun with that." She scoffed and rose from the table to leave.

"Andy," Maya pleaded as she hung on to her arm but flinched when Andy harshly pulled away. 

We sat until Maya sighed, grabbed her bag and left. It was just me and Noah left but my eyes still remained on my plate.

"Charlie?" Noah called my name to get my attention. I can't remember why I was so afraid to look at him but I was. I just wanted to be alone. I could tell he caught on after a while of silence before he grabbed his stuff and left. 

But as soon as he was gone, I didn't feel like being so alone anymore. I was suddenly confused by my own feelings and just decided to not think about it. It didn't make any sense now. I sighed and continued to eat by myself until lunch eventually ended. What a perfectly good day gone to waste.


Sasha Pieterse as Madison James.

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