Chapter 2 Silver's sister

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He turned around and gasped.

"AMELIA!"He runs to her and hugged her tightly.

"I've missed you!"

"I've missed you too sis!"

"So is this your sister?"Asked Cream.

"Oh yeah!"They broke the hug.

"Amelia this is Sonic-"

"Nice to meet you"Sonic said.


"hey!Nice to meet ya!"Tail's said.


"hey."Knuckles said.

"nice to meet you Mrs. Amelia."

"Hey girl"Rouge said.


"Hey Amelia!I'm so glad to meet you!"Sally said.




"Don't mind of him he's always like that but if you meet him he's nice"Silver whispered to her ear.


"And my beautiful girlfriend,Blaze."

"Hello Amelia!I've heard a lot of you!"

"heheh..Nice to meet you all!You know my name's is Amelia but you can call me Amy for short!"

"Amy?From where you think that?"Silver asked her.

"shut up"She whispered to him.

"Heheh so how long will you stay?"Silver asked her again.

"Oh.For 2 months!"

"only?"He said with a sad voice.

"aw don't worry Silver!I will visit again soon!"

"Alright come with me to show you my house"said Silver

She followed Silver.

Sonic throughs:'Wow she's so beautiful-wait what?!I can't fall in love with her!I don't even know her!And besides I'm already with Sally!'

"Sonic hun?Are you ok?"

"Oh yes Sal!Don't worry!!"

"ok..isn't it nice that Silver's sister is going to stay here for 2 months?I liked her already! She seems so good!"

"Oh yeah it is.."

"Anyway I'm going with them!I want to meet her better!Wanna come with me?"Sally said.

"nah..i go home..bye!"he runs off.

She nobs and follows Amy and Silver.

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