You might be thinking: "WHAT?? he must be insane" well I am.
There are two different interpretations of the 4th dimension. One being 'Time' as in, we move through space ( up/own left/right forward/backward) but we also move through time.
However that is not what I'm talking about. I am talking about a shape. It is incredibly hard to explain, but the easiest way to get your Brian (yes I put Brian instead of brain) around this idea is this:
lets start with a 2nd dimension shape: they have length and width but no Depth, but if you want depth you need the 3rd dimension, so to get there you make a NET a net is a shape that has been flattened, essentially. so to get to the third dimension you need a 2 DIMENSIONAL you have a 3rd dimensional shape, but if you want to get to the 4th dimension you need a 3rd dimensional net.
If that wasn't confusing enough, mathematicians figured out (somehow) that there are 15 DIMENSIONS.
- I later learn this is to better explain a theory called string theory wich describes the universe and how it came to be. (zejammydodger0014-2017)
So the idea for this came from thenerdwritesbooks, so go and check them out for more AMAZING stuff.
General FictionTHE BOOK IN WHICH I GO ON ABOUT RANDOM THINGS :D exclusive brain evaporating content found here inspired by: FYI he's really cool go check him out