#10 the bog

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I cant believe im taking him to the secret bog me and the girls go to but I have too I have to show him what im made off and how I let out stress go and how ley my crazy out and we will see if he likes me like the way he did before it took about 45minuets to hey there I told ty he could take the blindfold off his head he took it off and sayed "what is this there is nothing out here" he sayed to me oh but wait there is Casey hit the lights I yell out the window of the truck and that's when the lights came on


Rebecca's pov

Casey hits the lights and Tyler sit there in awe he didn't know what to think "where did y'all find this place" he questions well see what happened was we where on the trails with the fourwheelers just me Ashley and Casey just being our selfs we where just ridein and I guess the people that owned my place before us made the path to this place and we just found it I guess I sayed wow this place is awesome "yeah do your bring anyone out here or is it just yall" Tyler asked Nope not yet is kinda still a secret we don't know if we won't to share it yet Casey yelled
You don't even bog so shut up Casey you just ride around the eage I yelled back " not true"she yelled back whatever haha I laughed so can we get started Ashley yelled "of corse we can sweet cheeks" ty cooed "shut the hell up before I rip you throat out with my teeth" I growled "fisty I like it" Tyler sayed back to me as we when to unlode the 4whellers big wolfs came at Ashley lungeing for her leggs I and Tyler had to quickly shift to keep them from taking my friend the wolfs there where four one was gray with lightning blue eyes the second one was winter white like show with light gray stots with black eye looked like an alpha male the third was tan green eyes white paws looked like a female beta and the last was all black with yellows eyes witch is varry rare in warewolfs mabey a hybrid

Don't hate me but cliff hanger dun dun dun what's going to happen next keep reading to find out

I will up load soon promise

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