Part 4

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Someone pov

I hate when other guy close with her. I'm jealous? Yes I AM JEALOUS! I will make her mine. But will she accept me?

I followed her. That stupid teacher, how dare he close with her. It's okay just wait for your lesson *smirk*


"Okay let me explain" He take a deep breath

"Park Jimin, a son of Park Junmyeon (authornim : fake name, sorry i didnt know jimin father's name xD)  one of a richest person. Also one of a big donater of our school. Jimin hate school so much and hate to study, he rather to stay at home and do what he want. But his father insist and force him to go to school. At first Jimin refuse but then he agreed with one condition. The condition is his father must put his private music room for him at the old building. The one you enter yesterday. And he doesn't like and mad when other peoples come to his room. That only the reason why he come to school" Kyungsoo explain

"Wow it's not logic reason but it's the fact right" Hyejin quiet laugh

"Yes it is" Kyungsoo following Hyejin to laugh

Hyejin POV

Okay it's time to work!

"Good morning Seohyun" I said morning wish to my housemate aka my new bestfriend, Seohyun

"Morning babe! How's you going to work today?" She asked

"Aww baby you know me well, thanks for asking that precious question. Can i go with you?" I asked her and make cute face hahah

"Hahaha i know it sure you can. But please hurry up i need to hurry cuz my boss told me to go early today. We need to visit our project site" She said

"Yehet! That's why i love you baby" I said in joy

"Don't baby baby me. Just eat your breakfast faster" She ordered

"Aip aip madam!" I said and put my hand on my head like a soldier

"Good girl" We giggled

In 5Butterfly class (it's Jimin's class)

"Guys, the exam will begin in 2 weeks. So i hope you guys do the best and don't play to much. Arasseo?"


I was writing on the whiteboard then something hitted my head.

A rubber

I took the rubber "Who throw this?" I show the rubber to the class

No one answer me

"I ask again." I try to hold my anger

A boy raised his hand

Park Jimin

"Park Jimin. Am i had something that you mad?" I asked him

"Yes" He answered shortly

"What is it?" I asked

"You disturb me when i were bullying a junior" Hes so rude

"PARK JIMIN GET OUT FROM MY CLASS NOW I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE!" I shout to him. I can't hold it anymore


She chased me from her class. Tsk

Then teacher Kyungsoo come to my class. Tsk such a flirt.

"Park Jimin, punishment again?" Kyungsoo asked

"None of your bussiness" I replied

"Huh" He just sighed and enter my class

"Sorry Miss Hyejin, i come here to tell you that we have urgent meeting for now. Sorry class i need to borrow for your teacher cuz we have urgent meeting." He apologised to the class

"Sorry guys. Self study okay" Teacher Hyejin said to the class


They exit the class

"Park Jimin, you may enter the class" Teacher Hyejin said to me and just go. She didn't look at my face.

I ruffled my hairs in frust

"Hey Jimin, teacher Hyejin are so fierce today. What's wrong huh?" Taehyung asked me

"Like i know" I rolled my eyes and put my head on my desk

Why i feel like sad when she mad at me. Am i like her? But she is my teacher. Oh damn i did not treat her like my teacher okay. But if i like her....i'm 18 years old and she 22 years old. Our age are not that far right

I smile like idiot


At home. At night

I feel like fever tonight. My body are hot. I need to buy panadols. I wanna ask Seohyun to accompany me but she was sleeping. Nevermind i'll just go alone. The pharmacy are not far tho, i just can go by walk

Done buy the panadols, i exited the pharmacy. Then a robber rob my handbag

"Help!!!!! He rob my bag! Somebody help me!!" I scream

A boy with motorcycle chase the robber. Luckily he got the robber and punch his face

"Your bag" He give me my bag

"Thank you sir" I thanked him

He open his helmet

"Park Jimin??" I'm shocked

"My name so nice that you like to call my full name everytime?" He asked

"Ugh don't full of yourself" I said

"What are you doing here alone at night? You don't know it's dangerous?" He half mad at me

"I d-don't feel w-ell t-that's why i-i go t-to p-pharmacy and b-buy p-panadols" I said in shaking. I'm so cold and i feel like freeze

"Here put this" He put his jacket on my shoulder. Seriously Park Jimin? Why he suddenly being nice to me?

"T-thanks" I thanked him and he just nodded

"Come let me send you home" He said

"W-wait! Can you bring me to somewhere first? I feel trauma about just now and i don't want my housemate ask me and make her worry" I said

"Okay" He put the helmet on my head and i ride his motorcycle at his back

10 minutes later, we arrive at a place

"Han river!" I said in joy

I like han river. It's so peace to come here and the place are so beautiful

"I like to come here when i'm in stressed" He confessed

"Jimin, would you tell me why you being like this? I mean your attitude at school" I asked him. Yes i already know the truth from Kyungsoo but i wanna hear from his own mouth

"Not your bussiness" He said.

Tsk just now he being nice to me. But now he being cold to me

"Ugh whatever" I said

We were stare at the sea and being silent in about half an hour

"Jimin, i need to go now. I don't want my housemate worry when she know i'm not at home at this time without her knowing" I said

"Come i'll send you home" Jimin said

"Thanks Jimin" He just nodded


Two update in one night. Hoho oh yeah! Sorry for my bad grammar. Also my typos! I'm lazy to check the typos hehe xD but sometimes i do check the typos but there's still have typos. Well i'm not a perfect human huhu

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