Chapter 1
Hi i'm Delilah people call me Deli im 18 years old my best friend Jenna Sperring she is 17 we are both 1D super fans i like LOUIS TOMLISON and Jenna likes HARRY STYLES.
-----AT SCHOOL-----
It was first lesson and all the girls that get stoned are waiting outside of the classroom, whoever goes past them gets beat up there and then. Jenna came running down the corridor the same corridor the stoned girls or in oh shit this wont be pretty. " Deli wait slow down, wait for me" she shouted i shook my head quickly and pointed to the girls that were watching her all the time. "Hey girls look its Jenna the fastest girl in the school, can you out run us little miget?" that was Chelsea she picks fights with teachers and evan new kids thats why they are always black and blue in class. "Chelsea just piss of will ya i aint talking to u was i? NO so get out ma way u little mong" jenna said rather harshly but funny because she was right up in her face.
Chelsea threw a punch but jenna ducked and punched her in the stomach, Chelsea was rolling on the floor crying in pain i was rolling on the floor crying with laughter it was funny. Suddenly Chelsea started walking towards me i quickly got up and thought 'i'm gunna knock this girls head into africa' but that thought soon dissapered.
I walked up to Chelsea with a smirk on my face she had a confused one on her ugly face. "so Chelsea i see you have been beat up by my friend jenna? that was funny dont you think? oh wait your going to be the laughing stock of this school and ya mates so if u dont move your fat arses out of this corridor ur head will be in africa getting used as a football hear me?" i said. Soon the corridor was filling up with people chanting 'fight' and 'come one Deli' but mostly 'Chelsea just got burned'. Chelsea looks like a bull with no horns. she is fat, long bleached bloned thin hair which is always greasy, brown eyes and a big head. "So Delilah you think you can beat me in a fight? bring it on bitch" Chelsea smirked but didnt fool anyone. I gulped and thought if i beat a 40 year old man up for trying to take me then yeah i could, then i realized i had a big smirk on my face about 10 times bigger than hers, one more thing Chelsea is shit scared of me.
Chelsea came charging at me i stepped out the way and stuck my foot out she fell head first and started crying. The corridor echoed with 'ohhs'. She got up went to hit me since im smaller i ducked and punched her fulll force in the stomach she went flying but the thing with me and Jenna is that we have an amazing fast speed like vampires but they aint real are they?. Someone shouted over the laughter " EVERYBODY STAY AWAY FROM JENNA AND DELILAH THEY ARE VAMPIRES THATS WHY THEY ARE SO FAST" I shit myself then everyone started laughing including me, jenna and Chelsea then me and Chelsea shook hands and said i won even though i knew that already.