Alone Together ~Marco x Jean~

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Marco woke up bright and early today, he was super excited to go hiking. Once every week  he got to hiking in the BlossomFlair Forest. It was going to be canceled today because of a storm that occurred a few days ago, but last night he got a phone call stating that he was able to go!  Marco put on his normal hiking clothes and went off to the forest.


When Marco arrived, to his disappointment, his group had already left. "My clock must have been set wrong." he said to himself, shrugging his shoulders.

"Who are you talking to?" said a familiar voice. Marco looked behind him "Oh, uh-- did I--" He awkwardly stuttered, his face becoming crimson red, covering up his freckles. The man laughed and nudged him on the arm letting out a small laugh. "Its Fine, my name is Jean." said the man

"I'm Marco"  he replied. Jean  smiled and looked around. "I guess we are both late, want to go  hiking together, just the two of us?"  Jean asked.

Marco began to blush even more, most likely his freckles looked non-existing by now. "Sure,"

Jean and Marco headed off into the forest, following the path the best they could.

*3 hours into the hike*

"And so then, Eren was screaming and running around like crazy because he thought he saw a titan's shadow, but it was just Armin's shadow!" Jean said finishing his sentence. "Ha That's hilarious!"  Marco and Jean had gotten a lot more comfortable talking to each other now, They had much in common.  Jean looked around, him smile turning into a frown. "Where did the path go?" Marco looked behind him and didn't see any paths anywhere. "I don't know..."

Jean looked Marco in the eyes. "That means we are probably far away from others."

Marco sighed "I guess so, I hope we aren't lost."

"Youre not lost with me, Marco."

Jean smiled again, taking a step closer to Marco. "Nobody can see us, we are alone, together."

"What do you mean Je--" Marco was cut off as Jean straight into a long, breath-taking kiss. Marco blushed deeply, and let out a small moan. He went along with it, wrapping his arms around Jean. Jean released from the kiss to get air. "You know Marco, your freckles are adorable." Jean said while gently putting his hands on Marcos neck.

"Marco, I wanted to be by your side since you first joined last year."

"Me too, Jean." Marco said whispered, smiling. The two of them looked into each others eyes, a small breeze blew in their hair as the leaves brushed against the ground. Jean moved his left hand up to the side of Marco's face.

"I love you..."


Ok everyone so that was actually my first fanfiction I've ever written that's not x Reader! Sorry its a bit short and slow starting :3 ~Tamara

Marco x Jean ~Blushing~Where stories live. Discover now