Chapter One- Dont be upset

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Christopher's P.O.V

"Come on Chris, lets do this" Her bright brown eyes beg me from the other side of the glass window hoping I take this chance to go with her. I can't though, my mother would have a never ending rant about how disrespectful it is to sneak out after curfew. It wouldn't be the first time I've done this though, so maybe I could actually make it back in time. I look at my best friend one last time and realize that she doesn't see me the way I see her and I just can't ever say no because of that, I will never be able to tell her though because that would change things and not for the best I think but I can hang out with her as much as possible. I quickly rush over to my bed and start to pull on my black Vans quietly so I don't disturb anyone asleep within my small creaky house as Mia lifts my window open waiting for me and accidentally gets her brown hair stuck the window, and I can't help but smile to myself. Mia such a clutz, she always has been since she was in diapers falling into the sandbox behind my house. I lace up my shoes while she waits outside for me. We've known each other since we were born because of our houses being right next to each other. However we haven't exactly been the closest because of her new Rockstar boyfriend.

"Where are we going this time Mia" I ask her rising from my bed and heading over to the window where she is currently waiting for my on the ground. I swing myself out of my window as quietly as possible so no one wakes up inside, especially my overprotective mother. Mia just smiles at me and nudges for me to follow her, and I do like every other time. We walk in unison for a few minutes down the road, making sure we get a safe distance from my house.

"We are going to the park" Mia states looking over at me, I nod in response to let her know I heard her. We have a community park down the road from our houses that Mia and Me use to run away and hide out at all the time when we were little.

"So how have you been Chrissy? We haven't talked in forever" Mia asks using my nickname she gave me when we were little kids.

"I'm alright, nothing special has happened to me. What about you and Rock-star?" I ask her putting emphasis on the nickname I gave her boyfriend.

"Really? Your not dating the girl from English?" She raises her eyebrows surprised.

"Nooo.." I say quickly shaking my head. Mia saying that just proves how much we haven't talked lately. If we have she would know that the girl in English is Carly and she's absolutely nuts. One time during English we had to partner up and she sat so close to me I could taste her breath. Also all she could keep saying was "Your cute" and twirling her blonde hair.

"What she not your type?" Mia questions after a couple beats of silence, I just shrug. I never thought about any other girl in that way, well except Mia and my first girlfriend Mary which is somewhat like Carly I guess. Before I developed feelings for Mia, I dated Mary for a year until she moved away and put me out of my misery. Mary and me were a perfect couple to everyone else, even Mia who didn't like her at all, but in reality I didn't like her one bit. I mean she scared the crap out of me during our whole relationship, however she was amazing at first. At first I had fallen in love with her for the first year but then I began to realize that she wasn't the person I thought she was. No one really is anymore I guess. The entrance to the park comes into view, and our pace of walking begins to slow somewhat. My guess is to enjoy the moment.

"So how's your Rockstar boyfriend, since you love to talk about my non-existing love life." I ask looking at our surroundings. The park seems to be untouched since our last visit, which was many months ago. The bushes are overgrown like the grass and flowers that look inches to high. As we get closer the park seems to look even worse than I thought I'd be, it looks like people left it stranded here all alone with no one to keep it company. Doesn't seem right though, considering it's surrounded by a modern family oriented neighborhood.

"We are non-existing too now," Mia laughs shaking her head a little." I caught him and the most famous cheerleader teaching him what is the best position to play twister in after school yesterday. I know it's definitely not the first time we've broke up but I think it'll be the last, maybe. I have the worst taste in guys, you know?" I can't help smile towards the end and nod, she most definitely does. Mia's boyfriends usually always ending up cheating or ending up doing jail time so they break up.

"You've never had the best of luck with guys, Do you remember that guy Tommy" I ask her remember one of her boyfriends that definitely left his impression on everyone. Two weeks into them dating he attended her family's family reunion and spent most of the night flirting with her mom because he was drunk off his ass. Also I do remember at one point him saying that he'd prefer her mom, since she was way hotter. I can't help but laugh at the memory, he was such a dumb-ass.

"Oh yes I definitely do," Mia laughs. "My Mom said I never get to bring a guy to a family reunion again because we have a reputation to uphold and guys that flirt with wrinkly women when their hammered doesn't fit into that"

"Ha, I don't blame her. That was a disaster especially since he was wasted" We continue to laugh together.

"Yeah and I remember that night was the last time visiting this park I think. We got so wasted" Mia adds as stop at the entry of the park. Our laughter joins together for a moment and seems to subside as we enter the park where we spent a good portion of our childhood together. The swings and slides were piles of metal that seemed to be ran over on many occasions. We just stand there as moments pass trying to figure out what happened. I thought this park was still in great shape.

"What's happened, Chris?" Mia asks wrapping her arms around her torso pulling her jacket closer to her. I shrug in response, I'm not sure if she's talking about the playground or us. Our relationship kind of resembles this park, and not in a good way.

"Nothing lasts forever Mia, you have to let go sooner or later. Otherwise you'll just be left behind wondering" I tell her, and half to myself. It's probably time for me to let go, change is going to happen if I like it or not.

"Do you honestly believe that Chris? That we can't decide what changes and what doesn't? Because I honestly hate the way things have turned out. I mean look at the park Christopher, it looks like someone took a bulldozer to it. I mean this isn't how it was to turn out." Mia burst into tears and my instincts kick in and I automatically wrap my arms around her and pull her into me. I try to calm her down as I process what's she's told me. This must be why she arrived at my window tonight. I run my hand through her hair as I try to calm her down while I whisper "It's going to be okay" over and over in her ear. Soon after the fit of tears started she calms down enough to pull away from me and looks up at me.

"Why'd you want to come out her tonight, Mia?" I ask my curiosity getting the best of me as I look into Mia's tear filled eyes. Whatever it is, it must be eating away at her because she usually doesn't get this upset over something.

"Please don't be upset with me Chris, I can't have you be upset with me to. Promise me you won't be upset. Please, I'm begging you" She say's to me really quickly to me.

"What is it Mia, your starting to worry me." I state looking at her, waiting.

"I'm pregnant." She whispers and my heart sinks. This night isn't at all what I thought it'd be.

~Please vote and comment!! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Most of the chapters from here on out will be in Mia's P.O.V however I wanted to introduce Chris in this way. I hope you continue reading 😊 Angel

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