Another thing I was tagged on :P

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name: Shy Phantom

age: 17

pronouns: she :P

sexuality: bisexual as far as I know

are you dating anyone?: nope

star sign: cancer!! I'm a little crab

lucky number: 8

first word: mama(?)

last thing you googled: Frank Iero and Gerard's Way kiss xD

last video you watched on youtube: All Time Low commentary: a love like war

who do you ship?: Kellic, Chashby, Frerard (it WAS real! XD), Fransykes, etc.

what do you write/read about?: gay fan fiction (?)

who are your most active followers?: I hardly update so.... XD

favourite accounts: spacedrugs ThatConcertLife ScarletShadow9 KatIsMe1215 SulfurAndTheSea cashbyvsphan

time right now: 14:24 :P

average amount of sleep: 4 hours per day :P

when do you wake up on weekends?: at 9:00 because I have to prepare breakfast -.-

last fanfic you read?: Strangers in a bar by im-low-on-kellic

favourite animal:Wolves!!! They are the most beautiful being in this world

favourite colour: the absence of light (black)

favourite book: hmmmm that's difficult.... I think.... The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

favourite film: right now Pride

favourite tv show: Pretty Little Liars and Dexter

favourite bands/artists: Pierce the Veil, Lady Gaga (oh yeah) BVB, SWS, ATL, OM&M, Get Scared, MCR, Green Day, Foo Fighters, Nirvana, KISS, etc.

favourite song: right now is Tangled in The Great Escape- PTV

favourite lyric: "Will somebody believe in this suicide? Am I the only one that thinks that you should stay alive?"/ "The kids in the dark so let the world sin, what a shame, what a shame, beautiful scars on critical veins"/"Fine, maybe I'll pretend right now, but I swear to God I'm gonna change the world. And I promise you someday we'll tell ourselves oh my god this is paradise"

favourite food: tacos

favourite drink: orangeade

hogwarts house: none I dropped out xD

what are you wearing?: blue jeans, converse, a green day t shirt and a grey plaid shirt

are you happy right now?: meh, it's whatever

are you still in school?: yep, senior year of high school

what colour are your socks?: one is white and the other black xD

what tattoo would you get?: a wolf, a tattoo that said never more with a raven and the cover of the collide with the sky album.

what are you most proud of?:.... Nothing tbh

do you have any regrets?:... It all forms you... I'm still waiting to see how I turn out

have you spoken to an ex in the last week?: yep.... And it was awkward!!

have you spoken to anyone you hate in the last week?:I don't hate anyone

what was the last picture you took of?: me and one of my best friends

when was the last time you ate?: 6 hours ago

does leonardo dicaprio deserve an oscar?: of course!! He is such a great actor!!

would you cover for a best friend if it meant you'd go to prison for the rest of your life?:  no, they have to take the responsibility of their acts. That's what best friends are for

earliest memory: Early Times(?)

where were you 3 hours ago?: in my room :P

do you watch youtube?: yep, who doesn't?

favourite youtubers?: German Garmendia, Jordan Sweeto, Hey There I'm Shannon and Little Moon.

how long did it take you to answer these questions?: 46 minutes xD

So I tag the accounts I already tagged if they want to do it and.... Yeah. Bye (I know... Someday I'll updat Million Dollar Coffee :( )

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