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(Rain's party outfit is on the right)

We go back to Niall's house for dinner as its almost half 6 when we get back. I hadn't noticed how long we had been out for. When we get to his house we just sit and talk for ages. We talk about our favourite music at the moment, what we are going to do in the summer and when the next party will be. We love going to party's but we would never host one ourselves. Luckily Ashton is having one next weekend.

After a few hours of talking we decide to order a pizza and watch a horror movie. Niall loves horror movies but they always scare me, I still enjoy them anyway. This is going to be our second movie of the day, just goes to how how lazy the pair of us are.

We put the movie on and cuddle up in a blanket preparing for the scenes which were about to be shown in front of us.


I wake up to see a text from an unknown number light up my iPhone lying on my bedside table. I wait a few minutes to wake up properly before removing the charger from my phone an bringing it close to my face.

I type in my password and open up the message.

'Hey beautiful! Guess who? X'

Well that's weird. Who's number don't I have, that has mine? I decide to ignore it as I don't really want to start talking to someone I don't know. I lock my phone and turn over to attempt to get back to sleep.

The phone vibrates again.

'Don't ignore me babe! X'

Now I'm scared. This stranger somehow knows I ignored their message. I quickly look around scanning the room. I don't see anything. I head over to my closed curtains and open them to find nothing, where is this creep hiding?

'Can't find me eh? X'

Is the next message that comes through. I feel tears coming to my eyes. I'm so scared, what is going on? I run downstairs to where my family are, surely they can't do anything if their around. I try to act calm as I walk in the room so they don't think anything is wrong. I have a feeling this stalker won't like it if I tell anyone. I stay quiet as I eat breakfast however no more texts come through. After I calm down some more I return to my room and sit on my bed with my laptop, trying to distract myself from these messages. After a few minutes of reading some tweets my phone vibrates yet again.

'Come on babe, talk to me! X'

I start to shake, I don't know what to do. I've got a stalker. Who is this and how the hell do they have my number? I return downstairs hoping that if I am constantly around people they will leave me alone.

I quickly text Niall making sure the party is still on this weekend, I really need to distract myself from this creep. Thankfully it's still on and I will be spending the weekend with people who will protect me. I'm not going to tell them about the messages but if some creepy guy comes up to me they won't leave me alone with him to get raped or whatever he wants from me.


The next few days go by reasonably fast and I have only received one text a day from my stalker so that's an improvement. Finally the weekend is here and I can relax. Once I get home from school I go straight into the bathroom for a shower. The party doesn't start for hours but I promised Ashton I would help him make a playlist for it so I am going round early.

Once I'm out the shower I towel dry my hair and put my dressing gown on. I make my way over to my dresser and pick up my hair dryer and begin to dry my long brown hair blowing it in my face. Eventually it's done and I leave it with it's natural waves. I don't mind my natural hair too much it's one of the things I could say I actually like about myself, but that's pretty much it.

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