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Manabe's POV

"Really Manabe?" A certain orange head asked me as I blushed a deeper shade of red. I tried to calculate mentally about how on earth did this happen but failed to do so.

"Y-yes... Minaho... You know that I-" I was cut off by a sudden kiss making me incapable of processing what's really going on.

He, of all people I know, would be the one to appear in my dream and kiss me. Why'd it have to be him?!

"I love you Manabe-kun..." He said as he blushed. "We'll solve this case together, I'm your Sherlock and your'e my Watson." He whispered

"I.... I love you too Mina-"


"Ouch!" I was jolted awake by a stinging pain in my left cheek as I tried to look around to see who slapped me. I fumbled in the nightstand beside my bed and hurriedly put on my glasses to see Sakura, Tetsukado, Shinsuke and... Erm, Minaho all looking at me wearing their jerseys.

"Who slapped me?!" I hissed as I held on the stinging pain in my cheek. "Oh, gomen Manabe-kun, I thought I saw a fly or something so I tried to hit it." She said. "And you hit me instead..." I groaned. "What're you guys doing here anyway?"

I found Minaho looking at me while rubbing his chin by the corner of my eye but I decided to ignore it. "Tenma wants to practice early today, so we were trying to wake you up but..." Shinsuke trailed off.

"It was like you were having a dream of some sort. I thought I heard you mutter the words I love you mina before Sakura slapped you. So... Ne, what do you mean by the words I love you mina? Was it Minna (Everyone) or someone named Mina?" Tetsukado finished Shinsuke's sentence and asked me.

I found myself blushing madly as I tried to think of a possible answer when... "It's his personal business, don't be so nosy Tetsukado." Minaho said. I sighed in relief. "Thanks Minaho." I heard myself say and he nodded. Since the both of us came to understand each other, we are sort of good friends now, occasionally sharing secrets with each other.

Only he doesn't know one secret of mine. He doesn't know that I think of him more than just a friend.... B-but! Anyway!

"Okay~ We'll see you at the pitch soon. Oh and by the way, Kuroiwa kantoku will be watching." Sakura said as they started to leave. Although Minaho came to a halt my the door and looked at me then smiled. It made my heart beat faster.

"You were enjoying your dream. Yes?" He asked as he looked at me straight in the eye. "Y-yeah, so what if I did?" I asked and he smirked at me. An ALMOST perverted smirk. "Okay Manabe. You just proved me right." He grinned and went out of my room leaving me in a confused state.

Suddenly, something clicked in my head. My face grew hot as I realized something. Does he know already? I rushed myself into the shower to take a bath. As soon as I was done, I rushed outside our my compartment only to bump with Matatagi and Ibuki who, I think I saw for split second holding hands with each other until we all fell butt first on the floor.

"Oi Manabe! Watch where you're going!" Matatagi said. He's been like that since when he unleashed his so-called "dark side"; rude and mean. " I calculated and found out that it was you who made the first step." I said calmly.

I saw a vein bulge by his forehead. "Shut up Manabe, I know you like Minaho." He said all of a sudden as i blushed and tried hard not to look surprised. "Matatagi!" Ibuki said and said an apology to me before running away with Matatagi leaving me standing.

Before I lost sight of them, I thought I saw Matatagi wink and stuck out his tongue at me. I sighed and went to the same direction as they did.

"Manabe-san! You're late!" Tenma, our captain said as I arrived by the soccer field. "What? It's barely even eight in the morning!" I complained as he crossed his arm, Kuroiwa kantoku behind him.

"It's never too early to play sakka! Practice I mean." He said as he jumped up, eyes twinkling as he said the word 'sakka'. "I get it captain... You really are a sakka baka." I said as I sweatdropped. He didn't seem to notice my last few words as he went and talked to our coach.

I sighed as I walked to my team mates. Who were all talking with each other about certain things, except for Minaho who was observing everything and everyone occasionally muttering something in his breath.

I went beside him feeling my face heat up a little bit. I managed to keep myself composed when I reached his side. "Hey Minaho." I said as he snapped out of his stupor while he looked at Kuroiwa kantoku and kept muttering something under his breath.

"Yes?" He said as his eyes fell on mine, my face grew hot a bit when I realized that he was really looking at my eyes. "Uh... H-how long were-" he cut me off and spoke up.

"How long we were in your room?" He continued my sentence and I nodded. "Long enough to know that you were dreaming about something good. You were giving out 'sounds' of pleasure..." Minaho said as he smirked.

"Not to worry, I was the first one to come in. They came in shortly after that scene." He added as he snapped his fingers. "You won't tell anyone right?" I asked him. He nodded, gave me a reassuring pat and went away. I sighed and went to run five sets of of five laps because I was late. Ibuki and Matatagi joined in since it was the three of us that were late. Damn, I hate captain sometimes... Though if I said so, Tsurugi might kill me... And I learned that the hard way. Why anyway? Does he like Tenma?

Whaaaaat???? M-moving on!

The first three laps were fine but as I reached the second set of laps, I sort of felt tired already. I watched the others enter the Black Room. Ugh! That's so unfair! Why'd they get to go to train there and let us run laps!

"I'm so going to crush captain once we're done!" Ibuki said as I finally caught up to them. "Oi Ibuki, there's nothing wrong with running, baka!" Matatagi said as he ran past Ibuki grinning as he finished his. "I'll see you both in the black room!" He said and went to the others.

"*sigh* Matatagi..." Ibuki said in an annoyed voice not noticing me as he rushed and finished his laps. I finished shortly then took time to sit and rest for a bit. Suddenly, Minaho's image popped up in my mind. I blushed.

Darn, why do I keep blushing? "Ne, Manabe-san." Ibuki said as he walked to a pile of water bottles across me. I calculated the probability of him seeing me blush but turned out to be a safe move. "Nani?" I asked as I stood up, ready to leave.

"You were saying Minaho's name last night right? I heard it when I woke up last night to drink something. What were you dreaming?" He whispered. I raised an eyebrow at him trying to hide what really happened.

"Don't play dumb, I know you're not." He said. I formulated a plan and smiled innocently at Ibuki. "I was dreaming about our next match. I called for Minaho to block the ball for you." I deadpanned. I wasn't quite a very good liar but at least I can fool people.

"Is that so? Then why not leave the goal to me?" Ibuki said confused, oh yeah he is our goalie like Shinsuke. "Well, you were there. Though you're focusing on Matatagi and not on the ball." I joked and he seemed to have took it seriously.

"W-what?! Come on! Stop fooling around!" He said annoyed as he blushed a deep scarlet then went off towards the black room.

I laughed to myself and thought about my dream...

N-no, I can't... I might kill myself in joy if I did try to relive my dream. Why do I get that joyful? Why do I like it when he's around?

Do I like Minaho?

Me: Ne, Minna! How do you like this so far?

Manabe: *blushes* You made me dream that...

Minaho: Fu fu fu...

Me: Hey Minaho! Don't worry, you're next!

Minaho: -_- I was expecting for you to say that...

Manabe: Don't worry Minaho-kun, I'm here.

Minaho: Thanks Manabe...

Me: aww, I'm loving this moment... Anyway! Guys please don't forget to leave votes! Thank you!

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