Chapter 1

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Ken's POV

"Mother." I whispered, stepping back, as her blood hungry face came toward me. Seeing her heartless self not only tortured me in the inside, but also saddened me deeply. She once had the smiles of an angel, the heart of a dog, and her strong love was evident during those marvelous times, but now every part of her changed. Her innocent smile had turned to a cunning one. Her black onyx glamourous eyes, turned into eyes I despise the most.

"Hehe, you're just as weak as your father."

"Mother, what are you talking about? Fa-ther? You killed DAD?! You don't have the slightest sympathy  killing our clan......killing Dad?" It was sickening to see my mother with no emotional feelings to what she had done.

"Emotional pain is disgusting" She muttered. "It was actually quite simple to kill your father, honestly. Your father just was always in the way, it's annoying." Every second her words stabbed me harder than the ice cold blade lightly touching my small vulnerable neck.

"HOW COULD YOU?! You were never this cold-hearted!"

"You thought wrong. It was all an act." She bluntly spoke. As monsterous her voice sounded, nothing of those words convinced me. As cold and wrong as she sounded, there was nothing that completely changed from they ways I have looked at my mother. But now was not the time I had for negotiating with my emotions. My instincts were the only things I could trust.

As the tip of the blade went through my thin skin, blood slowly trickled down my neck, sending my body into a series of shivers, and tears. Looking intently at the knife, blood marked the blade as the cut steadily got deeper.


Swiftly grabbing the knife out of her grip, with all the weak strength I had, I stabbed her.

Dropping the knife, I paused at my actions, opening and closing my eyes continuously. "Mom. Mom! Can you here me? Mom!! MOM!!!!" I screamed in the top my lungs. I was angry, scared, and most of all, confused. "NO!! PLEASE. COME. BACK!" Tears were trickling down my face endlessly, one after another, running down like there was no tomorrow. Because honestly there wasn't. In reality, I had killed my mother. This was all taking time to process.....I had killed her. My mother IS dead. This wasn't a movie, a story, or anything of the kind. SHE WAS DEAD. She was my only family, and I KILLED HER.

Should I run? Well, it honestly seemed like the most rational thing to do... There was no one left in this town. They were all dead. Everyone will either way consider me the monster, which were true lies.

I ran out through the entrance. Just ran. I came through a forest, and stopped. I was tired, looking for maybe a pond or something. I found an entrance to perhaps another village, but before I could do anything, everything was becoming dark, and I fell on the dirt.

I really hope this was all a nightmare, simply a nightmare. It was too good to be true.

Third Person's POV

There was a large 'thump' sound of a body hitting grass in front of the Leaf Village's entrance, only to reveal a young red haired boy laying unconcsious during the cold dark night. One of the two guards carried him to the hospital, noticing a deep cut within his neck. "The boy was in front of the village entrance. We saw him unconscious. Can you get him checked?" The guard kindly asks one of the nurses in the front desks. "I'll report this to the hokage immedietely." He spoke once again.

"Alright, we'll get him checked, and if there's anything severe we will let the Hokage know." The nurse replies before he was dismissed.

The guard simply nodded then imediately left the room because all that currently mattered was to make the boy concsious oce again.

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