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Jen spat out her coffee.
"The T-Rex? Jess I thought the dinosaurs would be plant eating only!"
Jess shook her head."Miss swan, We made carnivors too."
"Made? Jess are the dinosaurs even created yet?"
Jess grinned again."We made them three weeks ago.We have paddocks constructed, moats and electric fences, you name it, we got it."
Jen sighed."How many T-rexes are there?"
"Well theres two adults and a child." Jess answered.
Jen raised her eyebrow."Did they...you know...make love?"
Jess nodded."One was a boy, another a girl.We had them in seperate paddocks, until they were old enough then we merged them and they got along."
Jen nodded."Ok, and when will the park open?"
Jess sighed,"Next month we will open, with a sanctury tour and the T-rex ride."
Jen gulped,"T-rex ride?"
Jen nodded excitedly."Yep! We put guests in a glass ball with a motor and they can drive around the T-rex paddock.
Jen leaned on the table.
"Look Jess I ain't no expert but that's not possible.If you move, the rex sees you, if your not moving it doesnt see you."
Jess looked straight at Jen.
"Miss Swan this is 2019, we have alot more tech then when the books came out, we have a green screen covering the glass ball too and thanks to our lab, the rex can only see the forest." Jess hissed.
Jen sighed,"Life finds a way."
Anger boiled up inside Jess.
"Miss Swan can you focus on the positive here?"
Jen sighed.
"This is gonna be one heck of a journey."
Zack waited in the waiting room of Montanna Hospital, he called a chopper and his wife was brought here.
Zack had been waiting for an hour until Dr.Grant came out.
"Ah! Mr.Forde, Your wife would like to see you."
Zacknodded and followed Dr.Forde down a hallway until the came to a stop.
Zack opened the door and saw his wife.
"Zack!" She smiled.
Zack nodded."You okay?"
Sarah answered,"I am now.My leg had been split, I lost alot blood, the surgery they did on me also failed in a way.My left leg-The one that got split-can't move so I'l need a walking stick."
"Well it could have been worse right?"
"I suppose so," Sarah sighed.
Suddenly Dr.Forde burst in.
"I'm so sorry but a man has something to tell and he has something interesting to share."
Forde moved out of the way to let in a business man, and Forde left.
"Hello," The man smiled,"I am Nick Sol but call me Sol."
"Hello Sol," Sarah replied.
"I have something very important to discuss.You guys both dig dinosaur fossils right?"
"Yeah....." Zack said.
"We have done the impossible, we have created a dinosaur of real engineering, we a sanctuary of them.We want to open it to public but the laywers need your consent first."
Zack and Sarah hugged each other.
"Lets do this!"
Jen and Jess piled into the helecopter.
"I can't belive I'm doing this," Jess sighed.
There were in a helecopter, with only four seats.
Jess sat across from Jen.
"Don't worry Jen, You'll be fine.We have to pick up Mr Zack and Miss Sarah before we head off to Skelimick Island."
"Well," Jen said,"I think I may enjoy my stay at Skelmick, well besides T-Rex Cruiser; I will piss my pants doing that."
Jess laughed," Jen you may nervous doing the ride first but you'll enjoy it the second time."
Jen said," Okay, I'd shit myself everytime I go on the ride though."
The doors opened as a man and a women took a seat, soon the plane was off again.
Sarah took a seat beside Jess and Zack sat beside Jen.
"Jen this Zack and Sarah, Zack and Sarah this is Jen our laywer, she is the one who invited you here to inspect Skelmick Island." Jess said.
About ten minutes later, and island came into view.
Soon, the helecopter was flying over the island.
They were directly above a paddock.
Zack and Sarah gasped, looking out the window.
They saw a T-Rex.
They were flying over the T-Rex paddock.Jess smiled and Jen gulped.
Then thats when it happened, the moment their lifes would be put in penultimate peril.
It started when Nate, the pilot noticed he ran out of fuel, therefor the chopper stopped, it hovered in the air.
Then Zack, Jess, Nate, Jen and Sarah felt light.Too light.
Zack looked out the chopper.
His fears were true.
The chopper was falling.
Into the T-rex paddock.
Jen glared at Jess."Jess you said it would be safe."

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